
................ yes, because you are not addicted to anything.

A 2002 longitudinal study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal concluded that "marijuana does not have a long-term negative impact on global intelligence", and that "current marijuana use had a negative effect on global IQ score only in subjects who smoked 5 or more joints per week." The study, which monitored subjects since birth, examined IQ scores before, during and after cessation of regular marijuana use. It found current light users and former users showed average IQ gains of 5.8 and 3.5 respectively, compared to an IQ gain of 2.6 for those who had never used cannabis.[79] The study did however show an average IQ decrease of 4.1 for heavy users.[79]

The study:
Jesus christ man. I give up.

It is obviously engraved into your mind so what point is it arguing?

No, its not.
Im for legalization for marijuana, but people who are clearly addicted and wont admit that it has any negative effects at all make me want to keep it illegal.
About the study:

I again have to bring you back to the point that a lot of inherently lazy, less-intelligent people are drawn to the drug because of it's properties.

In order for that study to work and be accurate, it would have had to have subjects that were raised and educated the EXACT SAME WAY. This would be impossible.
They would have then had to have been given differing amounts at different times and what not to get the 4 categories in the study.

Look at most of the people that smoke 5 joints a day. Look at other people in their families that DO NOT smoke Marijuana. I guarantee you it will be roughly the same IQ levels. It has a lot more to do with how you were raised and educated as to how much your IQ score will increase from the time you are 9-12 to 17-20 years (like in the study).

And BESIDES. It DOES affect children. I never said it didn't affect children. The drug should only be administered to people above 21 in my opinion.
i am living proof that it is all too easy to forget the moderation part and become a lazy sack of shit
Well then, point me to an accurate study that disproves that thc causes apathy, anxiety and/or depression.
Stop smoking weed for a month, and then go look at another person that smokes every day and tell me what you see.

.. and are you denying that THC has any negative effects what so ever when used on a regular basis? Is it better to use THC on a regular basis then to not use it?
on the thc causing depression thing, I've found it's a very potent anti-depressant, thus my abuse of it as of late.

and yeah, im in slice the cake, but that's all i have going for me man. i dropped out of college TWICE, I have no job, no money, no qualifications. Guess why?
But I dunno. I have a very addictive personality. I've never been one to do anything in half-measures, and that includes using substances.
If you're talking daily, IIRC Marcus said recently he hadn't toked up in a while.

Not by choice my good man! :lol::cry: But yeah, it's all about maintaining a clear site of your goals, and a constant vigilance to not let your habit interfere with achieving them - willpower and maturity are all it takes to be responsible! (and I accomplish a ton of stuff while I'm high, cuz I feel sort of energized)

Also, vaporizer high >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> smoking high - clearer, cleaner, better :kickass:
and yeah, im in slice the cake, but that's all i have going for me man. i dropped out of college TWICE, I have no job, no money, no qualifications. Guess why?
But I dunno. I have a very addictive personality. I've never been one to do anything in half-measures, and that includes using substances.

Forgive me if I'm getting too analytical dude, but I thought a big part of the lack of motivation was just a general sorta depression? Nothing wrong with that, god knows I can relate, but it kinda seems like another example of weed being a symptom, rather than the source of the problem - that said, however, I suppose weed does make it easier to put off really facing the problem, and that can definitely be detrimental...

Anyway, nothing but love babycakes :D
Gareth, admit it, you dropped out of college because the educational establishment in this country is a joke. :lol:
@ marcus and owen, well yeah, there are obviously other reasons, but you give someone a set of things to deal with and a big bag o weed, the problem's going to end up self-perpetuating.

im mostly just playing devils advocate here to keep the topic moving. weed can of course be used responsibly. you get alcoholics who spend all day every day drinking themselves to a stupor and the same goes for stoners, but then you get people who can have a glass of wine with their meal or a smoke in the evening and still go abou their day just fine, or binge on a friday/saturday night and go clean the rest of the week.
and like someone else said before, everything has the potential to be abused or used in moderation, be it WoW, computers, sex, weed, alcohol, whatever. im just offering up a viewpoint from the side of it being used a bit too much
I don't think weed affects intelligence level, even over heavy, long term use.

Edit: Marijuana does not cause anxiety.

That would be an incredible documentary for you to watch as it documents MANY MANY MANY studies done on Marijuana and the psychological effects, amongst other things.

So now all of a sudden, a documentary made by a pro-marijuana activist is qualified as an "accurate study"?

Ive seen the documentary before, and its good.. but its still a documentary, and it has its flaws(Like that every people they have interviewed for it has been pro-cannabis.).

If i remember it correctly, the only real doctor they had in the video was that guy from Harvard(Suck at names.), who's son had cancer and cannabis helped him through chemo.. and even he didnt like the idea of legalizing marijuana for anything but medical use.
it's nice to see people admitting that addiction doesn't necessarily rely on ingesting particular chemicals. I get so bored of the "weed's addictive!" "no it's not" "yes it is" "no it's not". Truth is, irrelevant of whether it's chemically addictive, it most certainly is in many other ways; just like computers, junk food, wanking, checking this goddamn forum :p, going to the gym, playing guitar and getting drunk are to some people.

I realise I'm not saying anything new here, just a massive plus one to a lot of the previous posts.