
Get this, if someone offered to smoke you up (smoke some green with ya out of their own bag, no charge,) give you a 10$ tip, and break you off a little bit of it in exchange for selling them a 30$ bag (FOR MY MOM'S BIRTHDAY..) Would you drive the 6 blocks required TOTAL and do it?

sounds like you're mad that your dealer didn't come through. I learned a long time ago that waiting on a weed dealer is a waste of time for several reasons. one is the money aspect. that's chump change. the only people really making any money off of weed are the first ones that touched and divided it. and I'm talking pounds, not ounces. personally if I had been sitting around the house getting high all day, I'm not gonna be very motivated to come to your house for a measly $30 and some of the weed that I sold you. I've probably got all the weed that I need already. most guys I know won't sell less than an ounce at a time because it's a waste of time and money to run around selling quarter bags or anything less unless you're slingin on the corner or growing your own shit.

you may have already answered this, but why didn't you just go get it?

as for weed making people lazy and stupid, I agree to some extent but only because most of those people were mostly lazy and stupid to begin with. I smoke almost everyday and own my own business. I'm married, own two houses and take care of my shit. I have friends that get up at the crack of dawn in the morning and burn and work hard ass jobs all day with no problem. it's all comes down to the individual. keeping it illegal just because some can't handle it is just another way of the gov't over protecting us and that's bullshit IMO.

keeping it illegal just because some can't handle it is just another way of the gov't over protecting us and that's bullshit IMO.


Fuckin a. Whether people end up fuck ups on it or not is not a good enough rationalisation for things becoming illegal. By that logic, WoW should be illegalised, because look at all the people who get fucked by that?
Or how about alcohol?

Legalisation and honest, unbiased education is what's needed.
Fuckin a. Whether people end up fuck ups on it or not is not a good enough rationalisation for things becoming illegal. By that logic, WoW should be illegalised, because look at all the people who get fucked by that?
Or how about alcohol?

I disagree, but it's the 'amount of what gets fucked up' and to what extent it fucks people up that legislation is based on... There's a reason heroin, crack, and meth are illegal, and it's pretty much ONLY because people end up as fuck ups on it.

Alcohol is pretty much only legal because it's been a cultural mainstay of the western world for the past fuckall years. Hell, drinking alcohol used to be the only clean source of hydration for many cultures, since the water was so parasitic and fucked up.
keeping it illegal just because some can't handle it is just another way of the gov't over protecting us and that's bullshit IMO.

Again - would you apply the same logic to coke, heroin, and meth?

The counter argument is going to be that "those are drugs that most (if not all) can't handle, weed is something that only some can't handle," which I also disagree with based on my personal experiences. Productive potheads are the exception, not the norm.
Again - would you apply the same logic to coke, heroin, and meth?

The counter argument is going to be that "those are drugs that most (if not all) can't handle, weed is something that only some can't handle," which I also disagree with based on my personal experiences. Productive potheads are the exception, not the norm.

Dude you CANNOT even put Marijuana in with those substances.
Coke, Heroin, and Meth are hard drugs. Coke, Heroin, and Meth kill tons of people every year and are dangerous to the population.

Also, to reinstate my view on that study. Look at the IQ levels of the people that smoke more than 5 joints a week. There is going to be at least a few people that have high IQs in this group.Those people were most likely brought up in a good home and had good education (such as myself).
Productive potheads are the exception, not the norm.

And AGAIN, it is because of the people that are lured into Marijuana. NOT BECAUSE OF THE DRUG ITSELF. Most of the people that aren't productive potheads wouldn't have been productive people in the first place.
Dude you CANNOT even put Marijuana in with those substances.
Coke, Heroin, and Meth are hard drugs. Coke, Heroin, and Meth kill tons of people every year and are dangerous to the population.

I'm not lumping MJ in with those, I'm just explaining the logic behind the legislation.

And AGAIN, it is because of the people that are lured into Marijuana. NOT BECAUSE OF THE DRUG ITSELF. Most of the people that aren't productive potheads wouldn't have been productive people in the first place.

Exactly - productive people aren't the norm, so productive potheads aren't the norm. My question is why would we want to make it easier for stupid people to make themselves even dumber?

Not being able to smoke weed won't hurt you as much as being able to will hurt them.

It's the same exact argument with gun control, but for whatever reason, the liberal/conservative viewpoint is switched despite the logic being the same. Dumb people with weed/guns = bad. Smart people with weed/guns = good. Most people = dumb, so once again its the majority ruining it for the minority (hell, we see this with digital recording, sample replacement, etc too).

I'm not saying it shouldn't be legalized, as I'm still pretty undecided on that entire issue, but I'm against use of the substance in general.
Some facts:

Virtually every presidential candidate has copped to using Marijuana at least once in their lifetime.
Tons and tons and I mean TONS of athletes smoke weed for arthritis, joint-pain, carpal tunnel, etc, etc, etc, etc. They are not dumb nor lazy.
When the new wave of white house staff came in over 25% of them had used Marijuana.
Steve Jobs of Apple smokes pot.
The creator of CNN news smokes pot.
Fuckin ay OP, great thread. I was having this EXACT discussion with my drummer the other day. I fuckin loves my weed, but I stopped hangin out with stoners years ago. It's like spending time with Beavis and Butthead. No joke. I have friends that talk/act/sound like them on a daily basis and it drives me fuckin crazy.

Another thing I notice about dumbass stoners - all they talk about is weed. You're smoking the fuckin shit! Just hit it and shut the fuck up! You don't go to a pub and drivel on about beer between sips of your pint!!
Some facts:

Virtually every presidential candidate has copped to using Marijuana at least once in their lifetime.
Tons and tons and I mean TONS of athletes smoke weed for arthritis, joint-pain, carpal tunnel, etc, etc, etc, etc. They are not dumb nor lazy.
When the new wave of white house staff came in over 25% of them had used Marijuana.
Steve Jobs of Apple smokes pot.
The creator of CNN news smokes pot.

That's because virtually everyone has smoked pot before, it's like a right of passage in most places.

I like how you listed the creator of CNN like it's some kind of acheivement. :lol:

I'm reading right through? You misread that entire study - there was a control group! They had people not smoke, tested their IQ's, then smoke, and tested their IQ's again.

This is ignoring the fact that IQ IS NOT A GOOD INDICATOR OF INTELLIGENCE, so let's ignore the study completely.

You honestly think lazy, unproductive people aren't enabled to be lazier and more unproductive by MJ? Please, come live with me for a week. BOTH of my roomates are dumb and lazy to begin with, but it's even worse when they're smoking regularly. Shit, they're more productive when they're drunk.

You can site whatever sources you want about IQ levels and productive people who smoke pot, but come live in this dorm and tell me that weed doesn't make people dumber. I've been putting up with this shit for the better part of 9 months now and it has completely destroyed any credibility the substance had in my mind before. I'm not talking about the two dumbasses I'm stuck with, either - I mean the dorm as a whole.
My issue with legalizing it is:

1 It would be convenient for me.
2 Less people in jail for the "crime" of smoking it or selling/growing it. (or none)
3 Tons of money is wasted fighting it.
4 Less criminals controlling it. (or none)

Regardless, I'm going to smoke it and everyone who likes it is going to as well.
It's funny when I drive past a well known "weed spot" around here. You see 10 cop cars at one house and two houses down there are people buying it. The cops don't do shit to them. I think they are on the take.
At the end of the day I dont see why one group of people should be able to govern another with what they put into their bodies.

As long as it doesnt directly affect me then someone can snort glue, shoot milkshake and take a dick up the ass if they want to.

I could not give a shit.
But I dunno. I have a very addictive personality. I've never been one to do anything in half-measures, and that includes using substances.

Take that addictive personality and turn it towards something constructive, instead of destructive. I've never taken drugs of any sort, because I have the same addictive personality, but I have used it to learn guitar and study my ass off in school.
Öwen;9105343 said:
At the end of the day I dont see why one group of people should be able to govern another with what they put into their bodies.

Because our tax dollars pay for things like their education, health care, roads, bridges, fire departments, ambulances, police officers, etc... If someone does something that wastes my tax dollars, then I'm against that sort of behavior.

If it didnt affect me, at all, I would not care. This is why I'm pro-life and in support
of gay marriage. Unfortunately, what people put into their bodies tends to affect me if only from an economic standpoint.

It's the same reason why you don't want a neighbor who doesn't take care of his lawn, garden, car, house, etc... It doesn't really affect you personally, but it affects your property value quite a bit.
Because our tax dollars pay for things like their education, health care, roads, bridges, fire departments, ambulances, police officers, etc... If someone does something that wastes my tax dollars, then I'm against that sort of behavior.

If it didnt affect me, at all, I would not care. This is why I'm pro-life and in support
of gay marriage. Unfortunately, what people put into their bodies tends to affect me if only from an economic standpoint.

It's the same reason why you don't want a neighbor who doesn't take care of his lawn, garden, car, house, etc... It doesn't really affect you personally, but it affects your property value quite a bit.

And the very same tax dollars go to trying pathetically to keep these things illegal by enforcement, go complain to your government.