Stop bitching the New In flames !

Well he's putting more work into his lyrics nowadays..It all depends on what kind of lyrics you like, So you can't really say it's bad or good, It's only your opinion.
And the band aswell puts ALOT of more work in their music.
For example TJR took 11 days to record in full while ASOP took almost 2 months..Though ofcourse they didn't work everyday 100% you get the idea.
And I for one enjoy the lyrics from all albums, But I can agree that I think pre-clayman lyrics was better (excluding Lunar Strain). Imo he still pulls of those brilliant lyric lines nowadays too. And ''newer'' lyrics I think more people can relate to, which is one reason he stopped writing the ''fictional'' lyrics, and also because TJR and Whoracle was concept albums, and Colony was also a part of it, then that ''history'' was ended, and also because people didn't understand the lyrics either. And on Reroute his wife co-wrote Reroute to remain and Dismiss the cynic, I think he really wanted to get a message out which is the pretty obvious one if you listen to ''Reroute to Remain'' lyrics.

The new lyrics are cheesy, immature, childish, cliche'd bs which guess what... IS WHAT THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE LIKE. IF have chosen to dumb down their lyrics and sound to appeal to the masses which is FINE, but dont insult our intelligence by trying to convince us that the new material is better or on par with the old material when it obviously is not.
The new lyrics are cheesy, immature, childish, cliche'd bs which guess what... IS WHAT THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE LIKE. IF have chosen to dumb down their lyrics and sound to appeal to the masses which is FINE, but dont insult our intelligence by trying to convince us that the new material is better or on par with the old material when it obviously is not.
Are you fucking kidding me? Either that or you are fucking stupid. Read my post again since you obviously didn't when you wrote that. I said that he puts more WORK into his lyrics than he did pre reroute, not saying that they are better, it's ALL up to personal opinions. Same with the new music, there is no ''fact'' that older In Flames is better than newer. It's again, ALL up to people own opinions. If you think newer lyrics is ''cheesy, immature, childish, cliched bullshit'' then you obviously haven't read even half of the lyrics of the last 4 albums. But you are ofcourse entitled to your own opinion, but I don't agree at all with you..Your description maybe fits with Lady Gagas lyrics, but not In Flames.
What 'new' lyrics (and I consider new In Flames STYE onwards) are any good in comparison with anything that came before it? The lyrics may fit the music better, but quality-wise they've taken a dive. It's not even really debatable, though it's true that some would rather have simple lyrics that they can relate to. "I feel like shit, but at least I feel something". OK.
What 'new' lyrics (and I consider new In Flames STYE onwards) are any good in comparison with anything that came before it? The lyrics may fit the music better, but quality-wise they've taken a dive. It's not even really debatable, though it's true that some would rather have simple lyrics that they can relate to. "I feel like shit, but at least I feel something". OK.
As I said, I myself enjoy ''older'' lyrics more, but I still enjoy newer aswell. And ofcourse it's debatable, Not everone likes older lyrics, they are VERY hard to understand and to interpret what it really means, newer lyrics are simpler, and more people understand what they mean, and can relate to them. I can agree that that line is pretty gay though :D But still, Some people can relate to it.
One of my favs from STYE is:
As they all felt the fire
They turned me into an outsider
I never heard from them again
So ironic when you called for a favor today
for the 8172389127389rd time, it's ALL up to personal preference.
As I said, I myself enjoy ''older'' lyrics more, but I still enjoy newer aswell. And ofcourse it's debatable, Not everone likes older lyrics, they are VERY hard to understand and to interpret what it really means, newer lyrics are simpler, and more people understand what they mean, and can relate to them. I can agree that that line is pretty gay though :D But still, Some people can relate to it.
One of my favs from STYE is:
As they all felt the fire
They turned me into an outsider
I never heard from them again
So ironic when you called for a favor today
for the 8172389127389rd time, it's ALL up to personal preference.

The older lyrics aren't very difficult to interpret at all. A few (Jester Script Transfigured being one) are a little abstract but most are fairly easily decipherable. The poor english let them down more than the lyrics themselves. They cover a broader spectrum, but records such as Colony and Clayman are pretty introspective without sacrificing quality.

I actually listened to F(r)iend the other day and thought it was the only new In Flames song with remotely well-thought out lyrics. Then The Quiet Place came on :(

Also, just because you personally prefer simple lyrics doesn't make their quality any better :D
The older lyrics aren't very difficult to interpret at all. A few (Jester Script Transfigured being one) are a little abstract but most are fairly easily decipherable. The poor english let them down more than the lyrics themselves. They cover a broader spectrum, but records such as Colony and Clayman are pretty introspective without sacrificing quality.

I actually listened to F(r)iend the other day and thought it was the only new In Flames song with remotely well-thought out lyrics. Then The Quiet Place came on :(

Also, just because you personally prefer simple lyrics doesn't make their quality any better :D

I just told you I prefered Old lyrics.. But that I still like ''new'' lyrics too. I like all lyrics. Apparently he didn't want to write those kinda lyrics anymore because he wants to connect with the audience better, And I don't mind at all, If you do, it's your problem, not mine :) There is other bands in the world if you don't like In Flames anymore, no worries.
There's some bad lyrics in the older songs as well. ASOP has some bad songs, some good songs, some ok songs. Just like every other album they released.

In Flames has years of fantastic music, but to me they still haven't put out an album i felt was amazing front to back. This album is great to bring in new fans, and can you just imagine the joy of going backwards and doing the reverse catalogue buy?
IMO, the best lyrics are on Clayman. I agree with the last thread that the new album will bring new fans to In Flames who will eventually like the older ones, too. the same happened to me last year. I listened to ASOP then I thoght it was awesome and then started getting the older albums. I now really like all albums (maybe except for LS and Subterranean, 'cause of the vocals). I believe that they're gonna make a back-to-the-roots album!!!
Yea I mean it's true..I discovered them early 2006 I think. Oh the joy I had when I discovered they had done 8 albums. And Lord Jotun..They are not really gonna go back to the roots :p The most back-to-the-roots they did was certainly Come Clarity, but ASOP was very melodic though..I'm really excited for what they are gonna come up with next..They've already done the most things. My guess is that it will sound kind of like ASOP but with other elements.
Btw found a nice quote on the CoB board that can be applied to IF in some ways too. [/quote]
Originally Posted by XxSNAPxX
Okay skeletons in the closet of course just came out. So now i think bodom(alexi) will REALLY start working on the next album. I myself had no problem with blooddrunk musically, although i thought the tone could have been's too new age death/thrash for me. I'm not a hater of death/thrash in anyway-but it's not for bodom. i think blooddrunk was a failed attempt by alexi to combine all the album style in the past. If you listen he does hit very few elements from ALL the past albums. This attempt at merging styles gave blooddrunk a style all its own in that sense. I think blooddrunk was an attempt to appease the fans who wanted to hear "old bodom". What most can't seem to grasp is that "old bodom" was written by "Young Alexi" and young alexi isn't really with us anymore, and thats not to say that "Modern Alexi" can't dish out the good shit. It started around the time of HCDR, people started to hop on the "They sold out..." band wagon. FUCK YOU ALL! The music grows with the musician, if you don't like it, don't listen. If everyone would stop bitching and putting so much emphasis on "New" and "Old" and let Alexi and CO. write with no bullshit pressure, they might pop out some shit you like. Now i happen to like every bodom album ever, my favorite is Hatebreeder, but that doesn't mean i want every bodom album ever to Hatebreeder clones. So some musical exploration skills and really think about it in the sense that music changes with the mentality of the writer, and putting un-needed pressure on a person growing musical taste and style only forces them to restrict themselves to a bubble of uncreative mush. Then you complain about the album you helped create. So thoughts exactly.[/quote]
The older material is musically, artistically, intellectually superior to the new material. This is the closest thing to fact as you can get in this type of debate. If you're trying to argue otherwise, you're just being stubborn. I agree that what people like is an opinion but just because more people like simpler dumbed down things doesnt mean it is just as good quality.
The older material is musically, artistically, intellectually superior to the new material. This is the closest thing to fact as you can get in this type of debate. If you're trying to argue otherwise, you're just being stubborn. I agree that what people like is an opinion but just because more people like simpler dumbed down things doesnt mean it is just as good quality.
That is only your opinion. I think that their music is those things now too.
It's not even close to being a fact come on. It CAN'T be a fact.
''A fact is a pragmatic truth, a statement that can, at least in theory, be checked and confirmed.'' Your statement does not fit into there. Not agreeing with your opinion is not stubborn at all, No idea where you got that from.
What is stubborn, is new kids that don't check out their old stuff at all. Now that's stubborn.
What is stubborn, is new kids that don't check out their old stuff at all. Now that's stubborn.
I don't agree. I mean if ASOP is their gateway into metal, and they stumble upon TJR, they will most likely think it's shit since it's so different of ASOP. The same thing happened to me when I discovered IF somewhat 4 years ago. CC was new and then I discovered they had 8 albums in total..At first I thought his voice sounded retarded, but I still listened to older material some times and grew to love it. And I think this will happen to new fans too, they discover their catalogue and will someday hopefully/probably like it aswell. You know you don't start to like metal and then suddenly oldschool melodic death metal (Atleast not usually). My point is that in time, the new kids will grow to like all of IF's work, and that is what I hope for the ''Old-IF'' fans too.
Their old stuff wasnt "highly technical" it was just more technical than what they make now.
I'm not sure I can agree with you there..Atleast Peter said to a guy asking what IF material he should start on practicing, and he said start with the early albums and work you way up, because the first albums were easier technically.
I don't agree. I mean if ASOP is their gateway into metal, and they stumble upon TJR, they will most likely think it's shit since it's so different of ASOP. The same thing happened to me when I discovered IF somewhat 4 years ago. CC was new and then I discovered they had 8 albums in total..At first I thought his voice sounded retarded, but I still listened to older material some times and grew to love it. And I think this will happen to new fans too, they discover their catalogue and will someday hopefully/probably like it aswell. You know you don't start to like metal and then suddenly oldschool melodic death metal (Atleast not usually). My point is that in time, the new kids will grow to like all of IF's work, and that is what I hope for the ''Old-IF'' fans too.

How the fuck is it not stubborn?
Fucking In Flames playing old songs and a bunch of faggots look confused because these assholes think that they started in 2002.
I'm not sure I can agree with you there..Atleast Peter said to a guy asking what IF material he should start on practicing, and he said start with the early albums and work you way up, because the first albums were easier technically.

The bass may have been easier but the rest of the guitars weren't.
I don't agree. I mean if ASOP is their gateway into metal, and they stumble upon TJR, they will most likely think it's shit since it's so different of ASOP. The same thing happened to me when I discovered IF somewhat 4 years ago. CC was new and then I discovered they had 8 albums in total..At first I thought his voice sounded retarded, but I still listened to older material some times and grew to love it. And I think this will happen to new fans too, they discover their catalogue and will someday hopefully/probably like it aswell. You know you don't start to like metal and then suddenly oldschool melodic death metal (Atleast not usually). My point is that in time, the new kids will grow to like all of IF's work, and that is what I hope for the ''Old-IF'' fans too.

Fuck the new kids The jester race-Colony For the fucking win.