Stop bitching the New In flames !

To shred some light unto this thread I got an UBERrare bootleg for you. Sadly only audio..And it's pre-Anders :) from 1994 in Täby,sweden..anyways here's the link:

And no it's no virus or anything like that, trust me. I share because it's just awesome. Also I'm getting a video bootleg from 2004 incoming soon where they got Mikael on vocals & Jesper on drums & Glenn on guitar playing Behind Space which I will upload for you if anyone is interested?

edit: gonna upload the 1994 gig on youtube tomorow
That's where you are fucking retardedly wrong dude. They've been around for 20 years and they are probably one of the most touring bands in the world, and definitely in Sweden. And don't forget that they are pioneers of the Gothenburg sound either..I don't get why they shouldn't have more recognition than they already have.

First off, the Gothenburg sound is generally shitty and boring...and that's where you lose me. Whatever they're playing now... *shudders* I wont even go into that.
First off, the Gothenburg sound is generally shitty and boring...and that's where you lose me. Whatever they're playing now... *shudders* I wont even go into that.
Then what the fuck are you doing on this forum?
First off, the Gothenburg sound is generally shitty and boring...and that's where you lose me. Whatever they're playing now... *shudders* I wont even go into that.

Get the fuck out of here.

The only complaint I can get from melodic death metal is that it's not what it used to be in the 90's.
It was a lot more fierce and death metal-oriented back then than it is today.

Too many bands are blending in with the metalcore sound, and too many bands are trying to fucking sound like COB.
Not that all these bands suck, but they aren't as wowing and intense as back in the 90's and early 00's.
Get the fuck out of here.

The only complaint I can get from melodic death metal is that it's not what it used to be in the 90's.
It was a lot more fierce and death metal-oriented back then than it is today.

Too many bands are blending in with the metalcore sound, and too many bands are trying to fucking sound like COB.
Not that all these bands suck, but they aren't as wowing and intense as back in the 90's and early 00's.
I agree. But there is a huuuuuge difference between 90's and after 2000, the cloths people are wearing, the way they think etc.
Get the fuck out of here.

The only complaint I can get from melodic death metal is that it's not what it used to be in the 90's.
It was a lot more fierce and death metal-oriented back then than it is today.

Too many bands are blending in with the metalcore sound, and too many bands are trying to fucking sound like COB.
Not that all these bands suck, but they aren't as wowing and intense as back in the 90's and early 00's.

This is correct, though there are a few decent melodic death albums post 2000 ... Clayman, of course... Skyfire, Mercenary and Nightrage had some great stuff released. DT never stopped putting out amazing albums, whilst Natural Born Chaos was arguably Soilwork's last great album. Decay really seems to have set in from around 2004 onwards, when many of these bands stopped releasing shit or just generally took a dive in quality.
This is correct, though there are a few decent melodic death albums post 2000 ... Clayman, of course... Skyfire, Mercenary and Nightrage had some great stuff released. DT never stopped putting out amazing albums, whilst Natural Born Chaos was arguably Soilwork's last great album. Decay really seems to have set in from around 2004 onwards, when many of these bands stopped releasing shit or just generally took a dive in quality.

It can be argued if R2R and CC had some melo death in it, personally, I think so. It was not pure Melo Death albums but it had elements of it. Maybe Alternative Melo Death or some shit
R2R had traces of In Flames old meodic death sound, mostly buried in that awful mix, but I don't think CC really had any. STYE & ASOP are by far the furthest from In Flames traditional sound, and I don't think it's a coincidence that these albums also get the most hate (but also great commercial success, heh).
R2R had traces of In Flames old meodic death sound, mostly buried in that awful mix, but I don't think CC really had any. STYE & ASOP are by far the furthest from In Flames traditional sound, and I don't think it's a coincidence that these albums also get the most hate (but also great commercial success, heh).
CC was way more successfull than STYE, probably because there were pretty many ''old fans'' that actually enjoyed it since it had a mix between old and new somewhat. STYE was a different record, in which they experimented with synths alot and heavily distorted guitars, I love the album so I don't complain..And also that album has also been praised of old fans..No idea why. Some of them has said that they only like STYE post-clayman ^^
About CC being melodeath, well..I think it's a mix between Melo death and alternative metal. And I mean there's sooo many kinds of Melodic Death metal bands with totally different influences nowadays, there is the raw MD gothenburg sound and there is a more modern one with totally different sounds depending on which band we are talking about. And I think IF still has some melo death mixed with other things. ASOP was a very melodic album, and I would call it Melodic Metal. Well I'm already looking forward to the next album and what the hell they are going to try now..It feels like they've already tried everything. Maybe they will do TJR 2!

...Or not. Which is a good thing though
Anyways I think this genre discussion with all bands (especially COB) is just pointless..Just listen to the kickass music and dont argue about whether they are that or that.
The only complaint I can get from melodic death metal is that it's not what it used to be in the 90's.

Guess you haven't heard the new Hypocrisy album. There are still many bands playing "old school" melodic death metal, they are just often very unknown. Not that Hypocrisy is unknown at all.
Guess you haven't heard the new Hypocrisy album. There are still many bands playing "old school" melodic death metal, they are just often very unknown. Not that Hypocrisy is unknown at all.
yeah the new Hypocrisy album is fucking insane. His 20 sec scream is awesome aswell. my personal favorite is either Hang Him High or Solar Empire.
What the fuck? Living under a rock the past 7 years? I can say with 100% confidence that it was not the first time you heard Trigger.
you're wrong. I listened to In Flames a lot up until Clayman, then pretty much totally lost interest. I heard one track off R2R, but Trigger was new to me (fortunately, as it sucks).
you're wrong. I listened to In Flames a lot up until Clayman, then pretty much totally lost interest. I heard one track off R2R, but Trigger was new to me (fortunately, as it sucks).
You are still lying. You didn't forget about in flames for 7-8 years dude.
And we both know it too.
I agree that melodic death metal isn't what it used to be...part of it is because the songs are hooks aren't strong enough and of course the change in musical styles. The guitar solos are more boring general. Bands are saying that they're progressing but the songs are just riffs you can improvise by doesn't take alot of thought to write that shit. I admit though, most great hooks come by accident