Strange moments in time


Very cynical
Apr 15, 2001
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Last night I was listening to Morningrise in bed and something just suddenly occurred to me. How different would all our lives have been if some moment, however many years it was ago now, Mikael decided that he'd better not try and make a serious career out of music at all?
What if he just decided to have some regular job doing everyday work type stuff and didn't even pick up a guitar apart from just the odd play now and then?
It scared me a bit to think of no Opeth ever existing. :eek:
At one point in time he would have said to himself `Music is what I want to do'...what if by some chance he never made this decision...
Does anyone else find it incredible how in one moment, one choice can totally change your life?
That's true of everything, to an extent, even seeminly unrelated things. Imagine, if you will, what the world would be like if the United States gorvernment had changed it's mind about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The possibilities.

It is a frightening thought indeed, pondering a world missing Opeth. Many of us would never find the contentedness in music we now do. I know I wouldn't. Even my music writing style would be severely impacted. Thank heavens for Opeth.
i find it weird to think of how much im missing out because people HAVE made decisions like that.
im sure there has been many amazing musicians that have decided to not have a career in music.. many great bands that wouldve been..

its likely that theres some unknown bastard out there that couldve had a large effect on me if they'd decided to pursue their love of music.. a person that could have made one simple little decision, and i could have a different favorite band...

There have been some movies that have dealt with this to some extent or another - "Run Lola Run" being the one I can think of off the top of my head.

It's very interesting, that any one of hundreds of decisions made by any given person daily dramatically alter the course of history. The "what ifs" are both endless and meaningless, because they can never come to fruition. Mind-boggling concept, though.
Well, now that you bring it up, if Mikael never decided to be serious with his music...that's unsettleing, but if he never did, I wouldn't know what I'm missing. So, it wouldn't be as bad as I first thought. I'd just still be listening to the same shit I was before, always wanting that....Opethian™ experience. :grin: I think I'd be a major Tool head if I never found Opeth. Yeah. :cry: No, it wouldn't be that bad. Now, if I couldn't listen to it from here on for the rest of my life, that would be THAT bad.

Ripped from my embrace."
its likely that theres some unknown bastard out there that couldve had a large effect on me if they'd decided to pursue their love of music.. a person that could have made one simple little decision, and i could have a different favorite band...

i was gonna say the same thing:) , we only know what we can loose once we have it, thats why when you have nothing, theres nothing to loose, as a well known exspression goes (or did i make it up:p ) oh well with no opeth, there is no hope:rolleyes:
Everything you see everyday is somehow altering this world - in many instances, the effect is on only one person. The other extreme is obviously 09/11/01 : effected the world.

If Opeth didn't exist, I guess I would have another band I'd call #1.

What you don't know doesn't hurt you.

Great topic for endless discussion.
Our paths are determined by our moments of decision.

The worst mistake someone can make is failing to decide, they stagnate.

I think for such a tremendous talent such as Mikael, there was really no other choice he could've made and lived with.

I really love thinking about things like this, what if you wait five seconds to go driving around instead of going now? Are you doing to wreck? Will you live? I know thats a bit extreme but it's so crazy to think of these things. Any one of us could die today, any one of us could get shot. Like the movie "Run Lola Run", that is all that the movie is about, changing your actions through the course of one day and noticing the changes that can occur. Do one thing instead of another and you could end up dead. I think to an extent our lives are set on a basic path, but we have the power to manipulate this pattern, or road and make changes.
I'm remembering the "classic" metal dilemma - what would modern metal be if Cliff Burton had not died ? I know, that's been retreaded time and time again, but it's still a confusing question...

NP: The Doors - Waiting for the Sun