Stupid people that are addictive...

Well besides drunken Fenrir13...

TUT-Spamwhore/manwhore/*enter name of *whore: Perhaps 50% for me going here you little post whore! Funniest postin person on the whole of the UM forums, closely followed by pancakes and random_phil.

Bodomic-Saviour of Kramer (missed you when you LEFT! Ibanez pwnz you :lol: )

Needledwarheart-longest fucking name ever, keeper of kilts/girly pants/warlocks (gaymale pride or Scottich paganess my guess goes to the former?)

Metal Maiden-well besides the bunny post(and what the fuck was that about? The shoe/troll pics got you back on top!) You have my ferret-glowes! hrmm... MM makes a nest for the nasty...
*Maiden hello? Where are you, Iv'e even showered!*

Spellbound-by-the-bodom :my first ally, where the fuck did you go homes?

SSJ4SephirothX : the drunken prins, dead or something? Was the funniest guy on COB O/T with no competition, hope you got laid off line budddy cause you are needed back fucko!

thebigyetti: Well simply a board roamer with answers, didn't make it as a ADMIN=you suck?! :lol:

MagSec: Teacher of English correctiveness/assertivness/rectumness and over all smart assmotherfucking Druglord (is that a career by the Way?)

A Fire Inside: Best post ever... *takes off the hat to "Who do I resemble"* A light in the trolling era... *looks for hat*

Darkness Eternal: For being a real man about taking a much too personal bashing on his "home" forum and letting it go. You I owe much!

Bobvex: Well what are thongs tuned to? C minor? Got string questions vex got the answers, a real knowledge book deistpe the fact he plays punkrock!" :lol:

and some more but these are my stero types! :)
Ok, what the hell..if you named names, lemme name some:

Tut: A day without Tut's antics is a day I laugh one less time. Christ on an ironing board this guy cracks me up.

Dilema: He's my buddy, plain and simple, and likes my ass. :D

Alexifollower: My lil' viking bro/shredder buddy!! :D

You Mammoth for your awesome car tastes. You will make a lady happy one day. :D

NeedledWarheart: Besides calling me a drunken Philly cheesesteak, my kilt-wearing haggis eating partner in crime is one of the first folks I started chatting with regulary. :D

Seraphim: Fellow Philadelphian!! One day we shall take this board ov..erm, I mean...:D

MagSec: My New Yorker buddy up there whom I have great convo with. His intelligence compliments my "i drank my way out of high school at 17 thru work study" mentality. :D

BobVex: Any lover of guitars like he is, I consider a friend on that alone. Plus he's cool and he was the first person to show his ass. :D

Metal Maiden: Another fellow female partner in crime, she is!

and yeah, there are more!! Sorry to those i forgot. Lemme shout out to my whole Philly crew, and the crew that I hang out with every Friday anyway like plfffft and dmanx, who don't post here as often but i see them all the freaking time anyway. ;) :D. But I must thank plfffft in every thread for not messing up that drinking pic of me and Alexi. :D
@Lantern nut: Sorry I was going to edit you in but you know you always have a place in my he he

*Oh, Hi Mom. No I was just checking my mail... No you can use the internet no problem...*

*Lives in own house makes fun of internet nerds without own shelter*
I quess its the same things as you fellas, 2 years here, and it becomes somekind of an internet bay or some kind of shelter when Im bored or even when Im not :)

And about my Kramer survivour thing :p Yes this one keeps me here too haha
A lot of people on this board keep me on, as well, hehe...

The Lantern Nut
etc... I know there are more people here who make me come back, hehe...

@Mammoth: What bunny pic? "What up, doc?" :lol: That was just a joke for The Lantern Nut. ;)
Mammoth said:
A Fire Inside: Best post ever... *takes off the hat to "Who do I resemble"* A light in the trolling era... *looks for hat*
:D I've never laughed as much as whilst doing that post and those photos. I need no alcohol to have great times :D

This summer...

I resemble... 2!!! the fucktard with the cam returns!

But let me finish my exams... until 14th of June I'm not free...

NP: Demons & Wizards - Fiddler On The Green
Mammoth said:
Bobvex: Well what are thongs tuned to?
No way fucko. . .they are tuned standard at G

for me its every one. . .(these people arent stupid as the thread suggests, though, just people i have grown fond of. . .)

tut - random wackiness
seraphim - pictures and good stories
johanna and janina (what a pair i might add)
needled - for his "sweet mary in a microwave" and "no you are wrong its ______" posts
alexi follower - for good yahoo
dilema - for good logic
a fire inside - for resemblance
~m_m~ - for being my fellow birthday presenter
Bodomic - my only polish friend. .
stratoxdeath cuz she likes me arse. . .
laturn nut - for taking care of all the bunny needs
fen - for consuming enough alcohol for alllllllll of us. . .
mammoth - for getting me to do some research and shit about Sonata Arctica's rigs. .
BettyTenderAss - for good AIM chats and physics loathing

anyone else i forgot . . .sign here _________________
Spellbound - He just flat out owns.
BobVex - My guitar fixing Buddy
Tut - SHOE!
Fenrir - My drunken philly cheesesteak who is MINE! ALL FUCKING MINE!
Maili - Not seen her in ages :(
MetalMaiden - shes great:)
AlexiFollower - top Notch Fella!
LakeBodom666 - Fellow Scot.

and if i've forgotten you, either fuck off and die or just know you're too cool for me to have to write it :D