
messakin said:
Would you guys help me out with inflames. because i've heard the last two albums they released and they sound alot like nu metal to me.

All of their albums up to Clayman are top quality melodic death metal. Beyond that is the crap that you've heard.
metal_wrath said:

what is brutal death metal then?

btw, they are brutal death metal!

An argument can be made for Krisiun as brutal death, but definitely not Bloodbath. As for real brutal death think Suffocation, Devourment, or Deeds of Flesh to name a few.

As much as we can argue semantics, I still think that your post had good recommendations for someone new to death metal.:)
AgoliantLives said:
Brutal Death Metal:

Disgorge, Vile, Severed Savior, Gorgasm, Decrepit Birth, Deeds of Flesh, etc.

Agreed, bands like: Stumpfucking, Brutus, Saprogenic, Abysmal Torment, Emeth, Brodequin (Instruments of Torture :kickass: ), Disgorge (Holland is the best imo), Fleshgrind, Prostitute Disfigurement, Putrid Pile, Pustulated, etc.
It seems like most of what your bro gave you was death metal and heavy thrash. I agree with a lot of the above suggestions. As for death, I find that everyone likes different albums. If you look at the discography, the albums progress from simpler to more complex, aka progressive. I good starter is individual thought patterns, that's what I got my friend into death with. Good luck and happy hunting
TylerTheNuke said:
As for death, I find that everyone likes different albums. If you look at the discography, the albums progress from simpler to more complex, aka progressive. I good starter is individual thought patterns,

I believe Symbolic or Sound of Perseverance are better intro's than ITP, they were still coming into their own on Human and ITP.
Authentic Metalhead said:
I believe Symbolic or Sound of Perseverance are better intro's than ITP, they were still coming into their own on Human and ITP.

ITP is more accessible though, in my opinion. The songs are shorter and more simple, but still distinct and seperate from typical death metal. I do admit I like the two following ones better though.