Summoning - Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame

You fuckers!!! I had a really bad summoning addiction a while back and it seems to be coming back after reading this thread.


might take a while:

Original English Text:
rock out with your cock out bitches
Translated back to English:
oscillations he to the external part with its tap of the female
Translated back to English: (with asians)
The man of tractions feminine that is chicken is

Considering my favorite Summoning song (the last track on Dol Guldur) isn't actually a Summoning song, I guess I should get around to checking out the side project that song came from. Can anyone upload anything from Ice Ages?
Yes and no, in fact I find the melodies way more inspired and the arrangements deeper thought-out on "Dol Guldur" than on anything they did ever since, "Stronghold" being a bit of a sideline one for the guitar-driven approach. "Dol Guldur" is the one I'll play if I want to close my brain for a genuine Middle Earth dive, but all of them are must-haves. I haven't listened to "Oath Bound" a lot though, should give it another go.

I thought this for a long time, and just today, I realized I don't like Dol Guldur as much as I remembered. I think it's great all the way through to "Khazad Dúm" and then it jumps the shark a little. I think the biggest problem I have with Dol Guldur is that the songs are overly long.

Conversely, I always remembered disliking Let Mortal Heroes quite a bit and now realize it's possibly one of their better efforts. Oath Bound is good too, so perhaps there is a pattern here with liking their newer stuff recently. Or it could just be the mood I'm in. I dunno, but Let Mortal Heroes just seems to be a little more song oriented these days.

Stronghold just pivots between 'new' and 'old' and it's always been my #1.
Basically, whichever album I'm listening to at the time (excluding Lost Tales) is my favorite from this band.