Support's mod choice!

Rose Immortal

Spirit of Hope
Jun 19, 2004
I left this board quite a while ago exactly because of the problems that Anna Akerfeldt has said are out of control: the flaming of forum members, the pointless threads, and worst of all--the flaming of band members AND their families.

I even remember seeing somebody make a nasty crack about Melinda Akerfeldt--and NOTHING was done about it. That was what finally convinced me to leave.

When I heard through a friend that Mrs. Akerfeldt had decided to take control and clean this place up, I thought maybe things were going to improve. But what I cannot believe is the uproar over that decision.

I think that both the band AND the record label have every right to expect that this forum be a good representation of the band, especially with a new album about to come out. Quit demonizing them--that attitude is part of the problem and not the solution. And if you think actually taking care of this place properly is going to kill the forum, or if you lack the proper decorum to behave within the rules, then leave. There are plenty of other forums to trash...their official one should NOT be a cesspool.

Now, in my dealings with him Moonlapse was kind and I think he should stay on as a regular member here. But I DO think that the Akerfeldts and Roadrunner Records were WELL within their rights to do what they did, because clearly things did not get done as they should have been. In fact, I think people should be grateful that the forum is not being shut down--but I think that day could be coming if things get worse instead of better. It's their house, not ours, and we should be grateful that we are still allowed as guests.

I imagine there will be plenty of flames to this post--but I also think there are people here who agree with this: support the Akerfeldts' decision to clean up their forum!
I understand what you are saying, but I do not believe it's fair to punish Moonlapse for the bad behavior and off-color remarks made by almost everyone here, myself included. He'd have to be online 24/7 to remove all the sarcastic one-liners and pointless insults that we trade with such unabashed glee. I'm as guilty of this as anyone else, and more so than some. My point is that as a moderator, Moonlapse is a convenient and high-profile scapegoat, and that's what this decision made him.

The decision to remove Moonlapse as moderator served as an effective and arguably necessary wake-up call to this forum as a whole. I think a lot of us, or at least some of us, feel at least some guilt that our misbehavior may have been a contributing factor to his removal. That said, I believe the point has been made (although I don't agree with the manner in which it was made.) Making Moonlapse's absence as moderator a permanent one will not accomplish anything further.

The overwhelming response by this forum in favor of Moonlapse's return should be taken into at least some consideration. Although I understand that this forum is not a democracy and that the final opinion lies with Opeth and, our opinions as Opeth's dedicated fanbase should count for something.

Translation: We want Moonie back!
also i would want to add that the moderators never had clear instructions about what should be allowed or not. if you ask ten ppl when insulting and such is going to far you will get ten different opinions so it isnt exactly easy to decide. this forum hasn't really been moderated until one year ago and never had a strict moderation. it probably still wouldn't have a regular moderation (seeing that only comes here occasionally) if we, the boardmembers, wouldnt have requested it...
I get what you're saying, and they ARE within their rights to remove him...but i dont really think it would help, especially not when hes recently promised to tighten things up, and was getting stuck into doing so.
Looking for a Job said:
if anything this forum will only get worse with all the new people coming in as a result of the tours and new album

Well, this forum does appear to be more active and popular as of late. This seems to be a positive sign and indicative of good things to come. If everyone can stay cool and keep things on an a respectful and intelligent level, It will be good place. I don't understand why someone would want to use A band's official forum to talk shit (intellectual dissent is a different thing), but there's plenty of places on the internet for that, and hopefully they can keep it elsewhere.
Seems like Trav said:
Well, this forum does appear to be more active and popular as of late. This seems to be a positive sign and indicative of good things to come. If everyone can stay cool and keep things on an a respectful and intelligent level, It will be good place. I don't understand why someone would want to use A band's official forum to talk shit (intellectual dissent is a different thing), but there's plenty of places on the internet for that, and hopefully they can keep it elsewhere.
Perfectly stated, Rose. I used to be a regular here too, until I just couldn't read the bullshit anymore.

I DO like Moonlapse quite a bit, I always thought his posts were very insightful... and I truly do hope that he remains a poster. However, as a moderator, not much was done.

Now, I will agree that maybe Moonlapse should've been given more time trying to execute the new plans for moderation. It was a bit too quick to tell. Still, I think there was a long period where he was too lax which cost him the job.

Even if there weren't exceptionally specific rules set out by Anna, a lot of it is common sense.

if anything this forum will only get worse with all the new people coming in as a result of the tours and new album
Better to get this place in control as early as possible, to prevent more chaos.
Im sorry Rose Immortal, but i think you are wrong.

(For one, roadrunner has nothing to do with this forum)

If wanted to clear up this forum, how is firing the moderator going to help this? Moonlapse was a good moderator, and kept things under control. It was a lot worse before he was made mod. As already mentioned, there are no clear guidelines about what he should be looking for and doing, why is it his fault that he didnt do what was wanted by the band?

I fail to see how you think this forum is any more of a 'cesspool' with someone in control and looking after things, than it was before?

The main problem with this forum is the trolling and insult flinging. People think it's clever or grown up or something, i don't really know. They are idiots. But how exactly is firing the moderator going to help this in the slightest?

If they want to clean up the forum, then they should clean it up, rather than just get rid of the only voice of reason in here because they werent quite sure, and werent told, what to do.
koolboee cdmo87 said:
Perfectly stated, Rose. I used to be a regular here too, until I just couldn't read the bullshit anymore.

I DO like Moonlapse quite a bit, I always thought his posts were very insightful... and I truly do hope that he remains a poster. However, as a moderator, not much was done.

Mh, i disagree. there were lots of useless threads closed or delete. but if everything that wasnt opeth-related would have been deleted there wouldnt have been many threads left which would have meant that this place would have been kinda abandoned, which cant be the aim of opeth either.

koolboee cdmo87 said:
Even if there weren't exceptionally specific rules set out by Anna, a lot of it is common sense.

but this is exactly where the problem starts. common sense is not smth you can set as a general criterium to decide. i guess a lot of ppl who have common sense here would stay judge lots of discussions on the board different.

what i mean is that a clearer cataloque of rules should be set...
i would ban people on here. Trolls / spammers / insult flingers, i wouldnt take any shit. But where people werent disrespectful / idiotic / spamming, i would let things run their course - i dont care about off topic, if my music was offered up on mp3 i wouldnt care either.

Opeth have said they are never in it for the money, but from things like a low quality radio rip being taken down, i see conflicting views.
I think you need some more or less specific rules to moderate and stick to them. Common sense... what's that? What can be permissible for me may not be for you, so what?

I support Moonlapse with all my strength because he was trying the most difficult thing, which was to stay fair on both sides. He fighted for the well-being of the forum, allowing some off-topic at times when there were literally no updates from on the website, trying to keep the community together, spicing it with his solos, interesting threads and interesting posts...

What's clear is that this is very idealistic because there are people who just are insulting everybody else, insulting a new member who probably got to the forum first time asking something like what's the best Opeth CD or what not. There's too often not good behaviour here and I guess for once I have to support in this issue.

There should be clear guidelines for mods and they should use their power deleting, banning and so on. This is also a way of respecting people who come here and try to write decent posts, people who don't need to read pages and pages with bullshit!

How could we have a democracy in this forum? It has been tried on and obviously it doesn't work. Absolutism is but what we deserve.
Actually, look what I've just read:

Firstly, a huge "thank you" to all the forum members participating in
discussions surrounding Opeth!
However, there are some issues that needs your attention.

This forum is for Opeth fans to meet and discuss the music of the band
and/or share experiences you've had by seeing the band live or meeting them etc. All talk on the forum need to be related to the band in some way.
There are many other forums where you can talk about anything. Problem with off-topic forums is the amount of nonsense talk and childish behaviours from some people. We'd like to keep a certain level of maturity here, please.

The Opeth forum is NOT for:
- Other bands to promote their new albums, websites or any other kinds of
- Topics that are not related to Opeth.
- Badmouthing other bands. If you feel the need to critizize, please do so
with a constructive insight.
- Harrassing the band members, forum members or other public persons.

Why, you ask?
We, the moderators, and Opeth are responsible for the forum and we simply cannot back up any topics that are not directly related to the band and it's

We will immediately remove any threads we feel are not meeting our
standards. I hope that we can do this togheter and that you guys in the forum can help us moderators out reporting bad threads. It will definately be better for everybody! The forum is there for YOU, so we reckon you want the highest standard possible. Don't forget that this is a result of your own complaints.
