Supreme Court upholds health care law

Good thing for the American people, that's for sure. I'm not a communist, but denying affordable healthcare to all citizens is criminal, and everyone who opposes such a law simply does so because he wants to stuff more money in his pockets.
Socialism is not a curse word, god fucking dammit... Universal Health Care and Education are the stamps of prosperous, civil, and sensible countries all across the globe, period.
In its true form, socialism is simply the same as showing solidarity and looking out for each other.

The problem is in this country we reward people very handsomly for being lazy, completely irresponsible and providing the graveytrain avenue oh so willingly. Entitlements for irresponsibility has created a plague here. I can comfortably afford my and my GF health plan without an issue as it is less than many of my friends spend on ciggarettes, booze and beer a month.

But whatever, let the sham continue :lol: I'll just sit back an admire the folly.
Well my comment had to do with many important cases including Heller being 5-4, it's a little disturbing. I don't know much about Holder beyond his involvement in that failure of an ATF power grab "Fast and Furious."
government shouldn't force people to purchase something. This is why they reworded the bill as a tax, because it is unconstitutional to make a citizen buy something.

I have no problem getting healthcare. Like ~Lynn~ said, there are way too many lazy fucking sheep, sucking on the tit of society. I, agree, some people need help, but there are a lot of capable people that are not doing their part.
The problem is in this country we reward people very handsomly for being lazy, completely irresponsible and providing the graveytrain avenue oh so willingly. Entitlements for irresponsibility has created a plague here.

government shouldn't force people to purchase something. This is why they reworded the bill as a tax, because it is unconstitutional to make a citizen buy something.

guess i better get a physical and full test panel before my employer-provided healthcare, that i also pay a lot for, and as a 'benefit' is something they provide instead of a higher salary, is fucking useless. cant wait till there are a million worthless bums with a hang-nail in front of me next time i go to the hospital, and then they just send me home because tests are too expensive.

i agree the health system is fucked up in this country, and costs are out of control, but how the hell does forcing everyone who can afford it, and providing (with our taxes) for those that cant afford it, to join the fucked up system do anything at all to fix the fucked up system? its still fucked, except now it costs way more.
As far as this poke (political) started by an inflamitory person, that has never had to employ let alone manage a buisiness Chris sure is an expert. This is a very teetory tottery experiment which in times past has gone very wrong.

I'll be glad to articulate in personal conversation in PM's
guess i better get a physical and full test panel before my employer-provided healthcare, that i also pay a lot for, and as a 'benefit' is something they provide instead of a higher salary, is fucking useless. cant wait till there are a million worthless bums with a hang-nail in front of me next time i go to the hospital, and then they just send me home because tests are too expensive.

i agree the health system is fucked up in this country, and costs are out of control, but how the hell does forcing everyone who can afford it, and providing (with our taxes) for those that cant afford it, to join the fucked up system do anything at all to fix the fucked up system? its still fucked, except now it costs way more.

Neil, brother it is amongst us now. OK here is an example of how shit works, last weekend we had a major offshore boat race generating a shit ton of cash into a local economy. A VERY WEALTHY Norweigen was nearly denied a visa to come throttle his own boat............yet we let the festering wound from south of the border waltz along...
I'll put it all plain and simple an maybe even Chris can understand..

U.S. Post Office, BROKE
Amtrak, BROKE
Medicare, BROKE
Social Security, BROKE
Fannie Mae, BROKE
Freddie Mac, BROKE
U. S. Treasury, 15 TRILLION IN THE RED......hmmmm\

I sure as hell don't like Romney but his fiscal tally leads for some hope.