Supreme Court upholds health care law

Oh look, Lynn's pointing fingers again because his neo-con retarded, bible-thumping, greedy buddies didn't get their way. What a concept.

And don't call me by my first name, please. People may start thinking I actually acknowledge you as a human being and wouldn't spit in your face if I had the chance.

I don't give a fuck about your business. Millions of children and elderly people need affordable health care, and if you have to take one less vacation per year with the rest of your boating redneck white trash buddies in order to pay for universal health care, fucking suck it up.

And for the record, I am my own business. I am my own firm. I have costs, overhead, and taxes just like everyone else running their own business. Fucking :lol: at you thinking it's difficult running a business in America. Try starting up your own activity in Europe and see how far that gets you.

Jesus, idiots like you really make it too easy for me.
i agree the health system is fucked up in this country, and costs are out of control, but how the hell does forcing everyone who can afford it, and providing (with our taxes) for those that cant afford it, to join the fucked up system do anything at all to fix the fucked up system? its still fucked, except now it costs way more.

probably because of the amount of people that don't have it and have no way of getting it, while desperately need it, are at a very large and still growing number. This is meant more for them than anyone else. Having it accessible for the people that need it the most is the first step, I would argue it's even more difficult in trying to fix a system when it cannot apply to all kinds of people.

this isn't denying that there are leeches on society as well, but preventing this does not change much for them, those problems need to be fixed from other directions, with regulations on whatever kind of welfare system you have over yonder.
I have zero stress in my life. None. Haven't had any since moving here, and by here I mean Europe and it's most definitely not due to making lots of money. 90% of that non-stress can be directly attributed to the feeling that no matter what happens, no matter how bad things get, I will always be able to get some sort of treatment. If I ever decide to procreate, that goes for my children also, as well as their higher education which is paid for by taxes.

If Americans would just take a step back for one second and realize that life doesn't have to revolve around money, and that it primarily does only for them, they would be much happier. Still, Amurrica, or at least those in America being represented by the right, is so paranoid about leeches and such that they would cut off their nose to spite their face, just so some poor dude's life-saving surgery won't cost them an extra ten dollars per month.

Business owners need to just STFU and realize that there are more important things than making lots of money, although it would be nearly impossible to convince them otherwise in any case.

Still, there's a long way to go. Everyone's acting like this is the end, but this is only the first step to having a functioning, healthy social system for the public. People will look back on all the naysayers, and possibly some naysayers themselves will as well, and realize how disgustingly shameful American society was to put greed before helping people in need. Still, it's just the beginning. The debt was brought on by two wars in which the American public was eager to send others to their deaths just so they could wave a flag and feel good about themselves so long as they didn't have to get involved. If you're pissed off about where the country is fiscally, blame yourself because you are the real leech.

Getting new PC today!!! Woo hoo!!!!

Was gonna build one but the other day I found a great deal on an ASUS pre-built machine.

i7 2600 (3.4 GHz)
12 gigs RAM
GeForce 550ti (I know it's not the greatest, but it's good enough)
Windows 7 64 bit

Will report later with thoughts.
What's the price?

899 euros. The local place I was going to use to build a new one still has the same price on basically the same model, only with 4 gigs less RAM, and a worse vid card and no Win7 64. It's actually an older model ASUS machine, and I found it in some shitty mainstream electronics store while looking for something else, and what caught my eye was the 12 gigs with the 550ti and win7 64 already installed. Sure, I could've built a computer for less, but I still would've paid to equal this one, and the hassle wasn't worth the 50 less euros.

This machine is extremely quiet..I can't even tell it's running. Here's a promo, it's in Italian though:

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Deadwinter>>> You are a fucking cock sucker... If you dont care for someones biz.. why do you care for someones health status? Who the hell are you to tell someone to suck it up take less vacations, pay more taxes and hand over their hard earned money to some jobless slime?

Am I wrong in saying your country is begging for a bail out? Thats what your social bullshit gets you.

Go to hell you little bastard... Oh yeah, if you want to spit in my face.. let me know.. ill send ya a plane ticket.
If Americans would just take a step back for one second and realize that life doesn't have to revolve around money, and that it primarily does only for them, they would be much happier.


Business owners need to just STFU and realize that there are more important things than making lots of money, although it would be nearly impossible to convince them otherwise in any case.


Yeah, you are wrong. Italy isn't begging for a bail out. Way to keep up on current events, but what can you expect from retarded republican slime?

Well, seeing as how I'm American myself, and I served my country for 9 years in the military (not that either of those things give me precedence over anyone else who wants to speak their mind, just context), I AM gonna say that it's more important that people are afforded health care at an affordable rate instead of business owners being able to buy a new car every two years. It's not just "jobless slime" who need health care, but fucking knuckle-dragging mouth breathers like yourself will never understand that so I won't bother explaining it.

And that's ok because you don't have to understand it. All you have to know is that there's nothing you can do about it but kill yourself, so get cracking.

Gettin' all internet tough guy on us now, are we? The truth is, if you believe that making money is more important than giving affordable health care to those who need it, you're a scumbag. COME AT ME BRO! :lol:

Seeing as how you're one of those chest-beaters who was more than happy to send us to die in a bogus war just so you could wave your little flag and "support the troops", yeah, I would spit in your face.

I talk shit because it gets a rise out of morons like you. Trust me, I'm perfectly happy, obviously much more than you are. Be careful not to pop an embolism in your brain with all that internet rage.

You know what else? This is probably gonna make your head explode, but I guarantee you probably make much more money than I do, yet I'm still blissfully content in my life. No stress, man. Sorry to disappoint you. I mean sure, there are little annoyances but nothing I would call stress. I don't worry about anything.

Except the thought of having to move back to Louisiana and being forced to deal with dumbasses like you on a daily basis.