Survey: The Art of Progression in Music

Isis would probably be my number one pick.

Neurosis could be a good argument.

Converge is probably another good choice (although I just can't see 'You Fail Me' ever topping 'Jane Doe').

Swans . . . possibly. They definitely progressed and changed, while never getting worse. Everything they've done is so good, though.

Tool is also another one I'll definitely agree with.

Pig Destroyer and Nasum I'll agree with also.

Akercocke has either 2 albums and one demo, or 3 albums. So I'll count them as definitely getting better with each release.

Meshuggah continues to get better with each release as far as I'm concerned, and from the sounds of 'I' they don't intend to change that trend any time soon.

The Gathering continues to evolve, and I believe they get better with each release.

Jeez . . . I'm such an optimist. I could probably go on and on.
matt99_crew said:
I'd say Opeth, and overall they have, but their last isn't their best
And then there are those who would argue that each release since "Morningrise" has been a step backwards in quality. Personally I think the releases of "Morningrise", "My Arms, Your Hearse" and "Still Life" don't represent a progression in quality. Rather, they represent a band maintaining a ridiculously high level. The last two releases (not counting "Damnation"), have each been a step down in quality... IMNSHO.

Yeah, I'd say the last two are at least on par though. And overall, from Orchid to Deliverance I'd say they've both progressed and improved. That said, Orchid is also a fantastic album.

Morningrise is nowhere near my favorite Opeth, and yes, I realize that's an unpopular opinion.
I can't believe I forgot to mention Tool, although since ÆNIMA is my favorite album of all time, I can't say Lateralus is their finest hour. They have had an insanely great progression throughout their albums though, if you listen to Opiate and Lateralus back to back it's like a wholly different band, but still connected. HOLY FUCK DO I LOVE TOOL, BEST BAND EVER.

Deliverance is my favorite Opeth, and I find Morningrise to be pretty lackluster in comparison to their other albums.
Almost no band at all. The peak of a band's career comes, and then nothing else can reach it. Simple as that.
Some could say Queensryche and Promised Land (no i didnt say QR because they are my favourite band, just because many believe that PL is their best album)
Iron Maiden MAY BE another case. 7th Son is their 7th album and their best. Judas Priest too (for those that think Painkiller is their best - they are many oh yes).
IOfTheStorm said:
Some could say Queensryche and Promised Land (no i didnt say QR because they are my favourite band, just because many believe that PL is their best album)...
I think you and I have had this conversation before (don't recall if it was you or someone else, so forgive me if this is redundant). Do you really think PL is their finest moment? For me, it's my 5th favorite QR release.

matt99_crew said:
Yeah, I'd say the last two are at least on par though. And overall, from Orchid to Deliverance I'd say they've both progressed and improved. That said, Orchid is also a fantastic album.

Morningrise is nowhere near my favorite Opeth, and yes, I realize that's an unpopular opinion.
Opinions don't need to be popular... just well thought out. Besides, if you asked everyone on the Opeth forum to list out thier favorite Opeth releases, I'm betting you wouldn't get two lists that were identical.

Yes, forgot about Orphaned Land and Negura Bunget. The latter drifts between the last "'N Crugu.." and "Maiastru.." for me, but their most recent is probably their most adventurous.

I've never heard OL's "Sahara" but I hear it's not essential. "El Norra Alila" is excellent, but come on, "Mabool" is like 20 steps forward (although they did take 7 years). Is it better though? IMO it is. I think "Mabool" will be a record that I'll pull out in ten years time and think 'WOW'.

Iron Maiden's 7th Son is not their best from their golden era IMO. For a start, it doesn't have "Rime of the Ancient Mariner". :p
Mabool is musically better and more epic, but I still very much prefer El Nora Allah or however you spell it. Its the inclusion of the power metal elements, and the drop of the totally arabic parts, that turns me off. Of course the arabic parts are now fused together.

I dont know, it is totally personal opinion; If you lilke power metal, you will think the new album is a huge step forward, if you despise power metal, those choruses, and clean vocals, and understandable clean vocal passages, coupled with the cleaner sound, will really get in the fucking way. I dont know, it sounds too happy, too corny, etc. for me.
speed said:
I dont know, it is totally personal opinion; If you lilke power metal, you will think the new album is a huge step forward, if you despise power metal, those choruses, and clean vocals, and understandable clean vocal passages, coupled with the cleaner sound, will really get in the fucking way. I dont know, it sounds too happy, too corny, etc. for me.
I think I get what you're saying but you might want to replace the word "power" perhaps with "prog". There is very little traditional "power metal" per se in Mabool.

I would thik that fans of Opeth, Amorphis, and Therion would probably enjoy Mabool more so than fans of Helloween, Stratovarius, and Gamma Ray.

I don't think I will EVER understand how "understandable clean vocals" is a bad thing. It just seems so topsy turvy to me....oh well. *shrugs and walks away to take a piss*
true, I agree it is a bit more of a prog direction. About the vocals, yeah I really prefer the vocals fom their last albums, where the clean vocals were in arabic. And there is nothing worse to me, than a cheesy chorus. There are a few choruses in Mabool that just sound awful.
speed said:
true, I agree it is a bit more of a prog direction. About the vocals, yeah I really prefer the vocals fom their last albums, where the clean vocals were in arabic. And there is nothing worse to me, than a cheesy chorus. There are a few choruses in Mabool that just sound awful.
Hmm, I would disagree, but it seems like you're taking a few things and letting them outweigh everything else. I can only see that logic working on a one-dimensional album, such as an average death metal album say. How may times have you heard Mabool? I would find it hard to believe that anyone, whether they like the album or not, wouldn't find Mabool to be exhaustively multi-dimensional in language, vocal styles, and instrumentaion.

Remarkably, Orphaned Land have managed to go epic BUT still keep huge amounts of emotion. And to me, epic + emotion = win.
One Inch Man said:
Well, Weiland is certainly a progression and is easily argued their most mature in terms of complex arrangements, and it does have their finest moment contained within...
You know, maybe it's the time of the year, but I've switched back to thinking Weiland is their finest effort. Or at least, it's their most mature.

Yes, I now fully believe that Empyrium qualify for this thread (but only during the winter months). :p
General Zod said:
I think you and I have had this conversation before (don't recall if it was you or someone else, so forgive me if this is redundant). Do you really think PL is their finest moment? For me, it's my 5th favorite QR release.

No, but many QR fans think so.
General Zod said:
Besides, if you asked everyone on the Opeth forum to list out thier favorite Opeth releases, I'm betting you wouldn't get two lists that were identical.
Yeah, I started a thread like that once, each album was picked as a favorite at least once.
markgugs said:
Regardless of RC forum popular opininon, Vs. the World > Once Sent :D

I'll 2nd this unpopular opinion.

The 1st AA disc I heard was "The Crusher". It did little for me. "vs. the World", however, kicked my ass from here to Valhalla. I've since tried to get into "Once Sent", but to date, all attempts to do so have been thwarted. Maybe it just hasn't hit me yet, maybe it never will. But for now, I'm with you.
