So how are the 2000's shaping up in terms of music?

Jim LotFP said:
*hands Zod some Q tips*
Admittedly, I haven't spent a lot of time with this one. There was nothing about the first listen, that compelled me to go back for more. That said, if it's a true gem, and needs a few listens to be fully appreciated, I'm always willing to revisit worthy CDs.

Jim LotFP said:
uhh... wha? Do we have the same Via Dolorosa?
See Erik's comment.

Jim LotFP said:
You lose at metal.
Apparently, the whole board loses at Metal. I did a search for Ved Buens Ende. There's been one thread about them, it got 3 replies. For that matter, there's only been three threads, on all of UM, that generated more than 3 replies. Point being, their not exactly a household name, even in the darkest, deepest recesses of Norway.

General Zod said:
Anathema - The Silent Enigma - no thanks
Aghast - Hexerei Im Zwielicht Der Finsternis - who?
Behemoth - Sventevith (Storming Near The Baltic) - hardly their finest work
Beherit - Electric Doom Synthesis - who?
Blut Aus Nord - Ultima Thulée - shit
Brenoritvrezorkre - Nèvgzérýa - who?
Carpathian Forest - Through Chasm, Caves And Titan Woods - average
Death - Symbolic - any year Death released a CD is a good year
Dissection - Storm Of The Light's Bane - good disc
Graveland - Thousand Swords - Graveland blows
Immortal - Battles In The North - hardly their best
In The Woods - HEart of the Ages - pass
Kyuss - ...And The Circus Leaves Town - maybe their worst
Meshuggah - Destroy Erase Improve - all Meshuggah blows
My Dying Bride - The Angel and the Dark River - Erik likes this... enough said
Mütiilation - Vampires of Black Imperial Blood - maybe the silliest title evar
Nazxul - Totem - who?
Opeth - Orchid - the worth of the first 5
Ophthalamia - Via Dolorosa - sounds like an Opeth cover band
Sacramentum - Far Away From The Sun - blech
Skepticism - Stormcrowfleet - need to hear this
Suffocation - Pierced From Within - hardly thier best
Summoning - Minas Morgul - no opinion
Ulver - Kveldssanger - all Ulver is ulverrated
Ved Buens Ende - Written In Waters - who?
Vlad Tepes - March to the Black Holocaust - lol, great title
Zyklon-B - Blood Must Be Shed - never heard it, don't care

Hahaha....I actually missed all of Zod's comments on this list!

"Skepticism - Stormcrowfleet - need to hear this"

Oh dear... :lol:

"All Ulver is Ulverrated" <- classic :lol:

"March to the Black Holocaust - lol, great title" <- somewhere Moose is jerking off and crying at the same time

"My Dying Bride - The Angel and the Dark River - Erik likes this... enough said" <- 5 stars :loco:
Reign in Acai said:
Zod- Did you ever wind up listening to "Void of Silence"?

After slapping me with a dead fish several times over for not telling him that NEMTHEANGA sang on Human Antithesis, I promptly gave him a listen and he was "sold" halfway through the first track.
Yeah after hearing Stormchodefleet ain't nobody 'round here allowed to make fun of Sunn O))) any longer. :loco:
General Zod said:
Apparently, the whole board loses at Metal. I did a search for Ved Buens Ende. There's been one thread about them, it got 3 replies. For that matter, there's only been three threads, on all of UM, that generated more than 3 replies. Point being, their not exactly a household name, even in the darkest, deepest recesses of Norway.


JayKeeley said:
Hahaha....I actually missed all of Zod's comments on this list!

"Skepticism - Stormcrowfleet - need to hear this"

Oh dear... :lol:

"All Ulver is Ulverrated" <- classic :lol:

"March to the Black Holocaust - lol, great title" <- somewhere Moose is jerking off and crying at the same time

"My Dying Bride - The Angel and the Dark River - Erik likes this... enough said" <- 5 stars :loco:

I'm fucking dying over here. :lol: x the # of MP3s on birkenigger's hard drive