So how are the 2000's shaping up in terms of music?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I know there's a thread like this, but after 2 seconds of searching and failing, I gave up.

Anyhow, I think this is quite a fine decade. For starters, metal is moving in all sorts of directions. As much as I don't really dig on it, I must appreciate the bands that are still fighting the good fight by putting out solid and safe traditional metal albums. Lots of bands still chugging away at the same old stuff, but for once I'm applauding their fortitude rather than slagging them for remaining the same for decades on end.

Secondly, look at all the whacky shit out there! Love it or leave it, all this hardcore influence on all kinds of bands is pushing shit in new directions that people like my truly love. Bravo, short haired sweater wearing fags!

Third, ummm, I saw a few pair o' hoots this decade, though none lately. But those I touched were great!

Oh and fourthlee, fucking Jerry Cantrell, Kayo Dot, Hammers of Misfortune, Tool, and The Mars Volta have put out complete masterpieces so far, and even with the heaps of crap promos and CD-Rs I may have received over the past several years, finding these gems was all worth it.

I guess that's all, Kirk out.
OK well lets look at it this way.

What decent cds came out last year? New Shining, Taake, Sunn O))), Mournful Congregation and probably a few others.

Now lets compare this 1995.
Anathema - The Silent Enigma
Aghast - Hexerei Im Zwielicht Der Finsternis
Behemoth - Sventevith (Storming Near The Baltic)
Beherit - Electric Doom Synthesis
Blut Aus Nord - Ultima Thulée
Brenoritvrezorkre - Nèvgzérýa
Carpathian Forest - Through Chasm, Caves And Titan Woods
Death - Symbolic
Dissection - Storm Of The Light's Bane
Graveland - Thousand Swords
Immortal - Battles In The North
In The Woods - HEart of the Ages
Kyuss - ...And The Circus Leaves Town
Meshuggah - Destroy Erase Improve
My Dying Bride - The Angel and the Dark River
Mütiilation - Vampires of Black Imperial Blood
Nazxul - Totem
Opeth - Orchid
Ophthalamia - Via Dolorosa
Sacramentum - Far Away From The Sun
Skepticism - Stormcrowfleet
Suffocation - Pierced From Within
Summoning - Minas Morgul
Ulver - Kveldssanger
Ved Buens Ende - Written In Waters
Vlad Tepes - March to the Black Holocaust
Zyklon-B - Blood Must Be Shed

Point proven?
Well, there's no comparing this decade to a glorious year such as that (or 1994 rather, or even 1967 if we should be so daring), but still, comparisons aside, I'm quite happy so far.

Oh and mentioning Sunn O))), Kyuss, and Meshuggah makes you someone I officially like. You can stay. :loco:
Birkenau give us a break man. 2005 was a splendid year, even better than 2004, which was already a boner factory.

Anyway I would completely back NAD on his speech. Actually the 3-4 years just wrapping the turn of the millennium (1998-2001) were kind of boring, lacking bold steps and renewal save for a few highlights. But after that the many scenes have started to cut the ropes and pave their own roads. Awesomeness ensued. The first really groundbreaking releases of the 2000's for me have been Isis' "oceanic", Agalloch's "The Mantle" and Sigur Rós' "( )". And the coolest thing is that this snowball-effect of creativity sheds a refreshing light on the classics these bands are obviously worshipping but no more plagiarizing.
NADatar said:
Well, there's no comparing this decade to a glorious year such as that (or 1994 rather, or even 1967 if we should be so daring), but still, comparisons aside, I'm quite happy so far.

Oh and mentioning Sunn O))), Kyuss, and Meshuggah makes you someone I officially like. You can stay. :loco:
I was actually worried about getting flamed for having Meshuggah, but Destroy Erase Improve is mega thrashy goodness. :cool:
Ellestin said:
Birkenau give us a break man. 2005 was a splendid year, even better than 2004, which was already a boner factory.
Maybe I haven't had enough time to catch up, but nothing in 2005 comes close to say...Drudkh - Autumn Aurora, Leviathan - Tentacles of Whorror or Velvet Cacoon - Genevieve.
Destroy Erase Improve has alot of thrashy elements in it. None and Contradictions collapse have more thrashy songs and riffs. Destroy Erase Improve still kicks ass
My answer:

"Not as good as the 90s, but ask me in 15 years, when I have discovered all this other crazy stuff released in the 00s."

If you'd asked me in the mid-90s, I would have said the best albums released were "Achtung Baby" and Bryan Adams "Reckless".
Birkenau said:
I was actually worried about getting flamed for having Meshuggah, but Destroy Erase Improve is mega thrashy goodness. :cool:
Well you're about the 4th person here who loves them, everyone else has extreme hatred toward them. Never really understood why, but hey, I don't understand a lot of things.
it's difficult to look at 2005 to 1995 in retrospect because we've had a whole ten years to reflect on 1995.

But that said, 1995 probably was still better than 2005 as a whole.
I agree that it's far too early to assess this decade and/or measure last year (which I thought was a slight but undisputable decline from 2004) against a pivotal year for metal like for Meshuggah, I fully acknowledge their talent and influence and ability to assault your senses, but have always been more admirer than ardent fan...
Birkenau said:
Maybe I haven't had enough time to catch up, but nothing in 2005 comes close to say...Drudkh - Autumn Aurora, Leviathan - Tentacles of Whorror or Velvet Cacoon - Genevieve.

you're so fucking wrong, but hey, we're used to that by now [/thisismebeingnicedealwithit]