Swedish folk in Watershed?

Rude Boy Stig

New Metal Member
Dec 19, 2006

I have the impression that Watershed, more than any previous Opeth album, is inspired by melodies from Swedish folk music. Two examples are:
1. The humming at the beginning of Lotus Eater
2. The lead guitar loop in Hessian Peel around 04.15-04.50.

I can also hear the influences in many other places around the album.

Note: this is not a complaint, I love the melodies! I'm not that much into folk music in general, so please excuse my ignorance if I'm completely wrong about this. :)

This seems to fit well with my recollection that Mikael listened alot to for example Jan Johanssons "Jazz på svenska" a while ago.
Att dom faktiskt gjort en cover på en marie fredriksson låt tyder ju på att dom är inspirerade av svenska melodier.
Men visst, du har rätt, det är mer folk-element än tidigare.


The fact that they've actually made a cover on a Marie Frediksson song shows that they're inspired by swedish melodies.
But yeah, you're right, there's more folk-elements then before.