Swedish lanuage

A kind of drink obtained by distilling certain berries that is possible to find only by some italian shore. You told me that your family used to go in Sardegna sometime in the summer, well tell them to buy for you Mirto Sardo!
Belgar said:
LOL, why would Patric go to Sardegna, he is "persona non grata" in Sweden and same in Italia ...... his wrath of wine drinking binge have left him with only Denmark. :grin:

Ahahahhahhahahhahhah! Persona non grata is great!!! Anyway, as I was saying to Patric already, if some of you will come to Italia I will take care! Preparing good food and leading to the worst pubs! Alla salute!!! :wave:
How sad it is for me to face the fact but belgar is right. even sharlee d'angelo and other swedish friends say i should slow down.
Patric said:
How sad it is for me to face the fact but belgar is right. even sharlee d'angelo and other swedish friends say i should slow down.

Cazzo, Patric! Hope you are joking!!! Never surrender, never slow down, berserker till the end!!! And as Im snussing now like a crazy listening to Theatre of Tragedy's Aegis and drinking Coca Buton I hail you as a true Roman brother!
Ave a Te!
Salute a te, same here man it's a big fat Grov in my lip right now and I'm listening to death metal so I'm also happy! Hmmm..time for me to get a bottle of Ballentines??

Spes, ultima dea!
I wish I could speak swedish because I think it would be hillararious if I was on a bus with all the fucking decrepit ass chinese people yaping away about how white people do this and that and then just out of no where I stand up towering above all of them and just say in a loud stern voice "Vad i helvete är det du säger?" "Om du säger det igen så dör du"

I got those from a friend of mine.
Dude Swedes are too wimpy to ever say that. If I was you I'd say something like "ok SÅ STOPPER FESTEN hvis der ikke blir holdt kæft er der TÆSK TIL ALLE!!"
Cadarn said:
Ahahahhahhahahhahhah! Persona non grata is great!!! Anyway, as I was saying to Patric already, if some of you will come to Italia I will take care! Preparing good food and leading to the worst pubs! Alla salute!!! :wave:
If Patric doesn't, I will! I love Italian food and will drink as much beer as another will buy! :kickass::Puke: Jag alskar ol!! This Mirtro Sardo, is it like mead? I love that more than I do beer!
Magnus7 said:
If Patric doesn't, I will! I love Italian food and will drink as much beer as another will buy! :kickass::Puke: Jag alskar ol!! This Mirtro Sardo, is it like mead? I love that more than I do beer!

Ah ah! I would be happy! But I dont think Lord Patric would miss this one!
Mead is much mor lighter than what Mirto is; I dont know how to explain because is a taste only this kind of berries have, maybe a way between liquirice and Jagermeister but is not exactly like that. Go to check herehttp://www.profumidisardegna.it/dettaglio/liquori.htm. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! :loco:
Uh no Magnus, be pretty damn sure I'll come, hell yeah! Mead is ok, imagine a Carlsberg Hof with honey and that's kinda it. And yeah Jaegermeister rules! Almost as metal as, say, Jack Daniels!!! Was Johnnie Walker for me yesterday and hey Cadarn I've been eating Italian sausage this breakfast, you guys rule!! Hhehe my mom was telling me about your new prime minister very funny guy we need those in Scandinavia too
Italian salcicce rules! (sausages) Who? Berlusconi? Ah, hes a perfect clown! How can be possible that a prime minister owns tv channels and a soccer team (Milan)? Italia needs somebody now like Cesar!!!
Haha yes he's a clown but very funny man! Aaaah salcicce...it was of course salami and somethign I cannot write correctly, it sounds like "chorizzo"? I ate it together with parmasan pasta, oooh yeah! Will reply to your mail tonight man.
Patric said:
Haha yes he's a clown but very funny man! Aaaah salcicce...it was of course salami and somethign I cannot write correctly, it sounds like "chorizzo"? I ate it together with parmasan pasta, oooh yeah! Will reply to your mail tonight man.

Ah, chorizo! Is not italian, even if we have something like it, is spanish but really nice too. My favourite pasta is spaghetti with butter and parmisan! Simple but tasty and heavy!
Yeah exactly I eat that all the time too and it must be one of the few dishes I heat WITHOUT meat hehe. Butter rules in spaghetti's/pasta!! I heat it up really much (the food) and then I put the butter in so it can melt fast.