Symphonic Opeth (?)


Mar 16, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Waddaya think?......
I know it seems like everybody's doing it, but only few bands can actually make it work. Yes, Kansas, Deep Purple, Rainbow, and
Emerson,Lake, and (mother-fuckin') Palmer have all done incredible
orchestral albums.
I think OPETH could, definitely, pull it off.

NP: Peter Gabriel- UP
I think Opeth could totally pull it off. But I think it would ruin their mood. The mood created on their cds is created naturally, and I think that is one of the things that makes them the best band in the world.
Stormrider586 said:
I think Opeth could totally pull it off. But I think it would ruin their mood. The mood created on their cds is created naturally, and I think that is one of the things that makes them the best band in the world.

How would using strings and woodwinds and brass and stuff be less natural than electric guitars with distortion?
It was just a thought.
Great feedback. I just dig hearing my favorite groups do things like that and was wondering if anyone else thought the same.
Maybe in another ten years.........

NP:King Crimson-The Power to Believe (I just can't keep this disc out of my CD player!!!!!)
svenske kocken said:
Bleh. A symphonic Opeth would suck. Big time.

Bingo. Symphony background would totally ruin Opeth's sound, the bands that have made it work in the past have all had a pretty thin sound, so the orchestral parts really addded to the music. Opeth has an incredibly thick sound already, so adding orchestral parts to it would only take away from the music.