Symphony X @ Arrow Rock Festival

After spending hours in trains way back home, I finally can tell you about this awesome day I had (and I guess I'm not the only one) at Arrow Rock in Holland.

Arrow Rock itself began at 2 pm. Some minutes before they opened the doors I heard bands playing and practising for the big show. Man, then I heard Russell yelling and singing so loud and heard the band playing Inferno. That was so awesome to hear!

Well, Symphony X played from 2 till 3 pm. The show was really great and the guys where all very enthousiastic on stage. Russ had cut his hair till his shoulders, I thought that looked pretty cool. :grin: They played Awakenings as well, which I liked the most of all.

Arrow Rock is a festival for old (prog) rock and Symphony X was the only metal band which played over there. But it seemed like that didn't matter. After their show I saw really a lot of people walking with SX shirts.

I have seen Steve Vai as well. Unfortunately I couldn't watch Joe Satriani and Robert Fripp because I had to leave quite early.
After all I think the festival itself was really great. :cool:
I was there too, and it was f*ckin great! It was my first time seeing Symphony X (as I'm a newbie) and I was totally blown away. They were playing like gods and Russell was a great entertainer/performer. I already heard Michael Romero was terrific, but it's even better to see and hear it with your own eyes and ears. After the gig I had to conclude that Russell Allen has the best metal voice around, it was a shame therefore that the sound settings had Russell at a fairly low level so he had some trouble to rise above the rest. Of course, kudos to the rest of the band. You were all awesome!

I liked Smoke And Mirrors, Evolution and King Of Terrors best. As soon as they're around for another concert in Holland, I'll definitely be there! Hey, I still got to see Church Of The Machine and The Odyssey performed live. :D

Oh, I absolutely concur with what Medusa's eyes said about the huge amount of Symphony X shirt's and sweaters at Arrow. It was simply amazing to see that many fans at a festival where the real focus was at G3, Queensryche (great btw.) and Yes. I guess Symphony X is quite popular in Holland, lucky me. :) Thank you very much for a great show, it was money well spent!
I was at the very front it was AMAZING :) Russell keeps getting better each time I see them play! The G3 was very cool also, especially Vai. Robert Fripp was BORING as hell, I don't think ANYONE appreciated what he 'played'.

and people wearing Symphony X & DT shirts all over the place :):):)
Medusa's eyes said:
Hahaha, well...I met this man in the train who had to go to 's-Hertogenbosch (like me) as well. And he told me that he went to ARF because of Robert Fripp. He thought he was really amazing!
Robert Fripp IS amazing, when he's playing with King Crimson. But yeah, out of a few thousand people, there'll always be a few enjoying it I guess:Spin:
I must say I had high hopes for a truly stunning intro from Robert Fripp, but unfortunately it was an intro of nearly 30 minutes. It really annoyed me when nothing happened for such a long time, if you'd add up the number of minutes he actually was playing guitar (and not messing around with some buttons and switches) I think you would end up with a number less than 10 minutes. Correct me if I'm wrong, but G3 should have been about the best guitar players in the world showing their skills. Fripp's performance did not impress me the least, something in which he always succeeds admirably when playing in the King Crimson line-up. Just listen to Level Five and see what this man can do, it's a shame he didn't show that on stage.
ErikSchierboom said:
I was there too, and it was f*ckin great! It was my first time seeing Symphony X (as I'm a newbie) and I was totally blown away.QUOTE]

A new Symphony X fan!!!!! Welcome. It sounds like you had one incredible show.
Pharoah said:
A new Symphony X fan!!!!! Welcome. It sounds like you had one incredible show.

I sure did! I was totally blown away, I already loved The Odyssey but I'm slowly discovering their other masterpieces. Just ordered The Odyssey and The Divine Wings Of Tragedy.
About Fripp... I never heard of this man before. When I was waiting in the audience I started to feel dizzy because I'm quite small and there were big guys all around me so it's kinda oppressing. Then the music started of Robert Fripp, so I thought 'well okay, I will wait until he will play some things' but the only thing I heard all the time was this weird keyboard sounds which I didn't like at all. So I left to see Golden Earring :p

ErikSchierboom said:
I sure did! I was totally blown away, I already loved The Odyssey but I'm slowly discovering their other masterpieces. Just ordered The Odyssey and The Divine Wings Of Tragedy.

Good choice. I think 'V' and 'The Odyssey' are my favourite albums of Symphony X.
What other bands do you like to listen to?
I would like to thank Symphony X for performing at Arrow Rock Festival, even though they are recording a new album. Thank you! Unfortunately, the other band I bought my ticket for (Porcupine Tree) did cancel because of their new album. I hope Symphony X will do another epic like The Odyssey, it's such a brilliant song.

Medusa's eyes said:
Good choice. I think 'V' and 'The Odyssey' are my favourite albums of Symphony X.
What other bands do you like to listen to?

I started out with Dream Theater, to which is still frequently listen. Favourite songs: A Change Of Seasons, Metropolis Part I, Stream Of Consciousness.
Dream Theater lead me to Porcupine Tree (through recommendations). After loving them too, I frantically started listening to all sorts of progressive bands. I'll name my favourites:
Symphony X (right now my number one!)
Pain Of Salvation (takes a while to get into, but fantastic)
Porcupine Tree (In Absentia is brilliant)
Shadow Gallery
The Gathering
Iced Earth
...and many more. How about you, what music do you listen to?
hey there people ,

I was kinda wondering ( seeing I wasn't at Arrow myself......)
which songs they played at that gig. I did hear someone mentioning
"Wicked" with Russel doing that show-off vocal break thingy in the end.
( reminds me of the 013 gig last year ;).) and that they played a new
song , was that true ?
well you know , there are some bands who allready have some new idea's in advance ,
for example Metallica played the song Fuel way before Reload was actually released ya know.......... This one guy told me they played something new , So I Thought it was a new song or at least an extended jam or something.
Well lets see if I can remember all the songs they the right order :rolleyes: ...

Communion and the Oracle
Awakenings (guess that's what they mean a 'new' song)
Smoke and Mirrors
Sea of Lies
Of Sins and Shadows
King of Terrors

By the way underullospell, I'm sure the guys will play one hell of a gig sometime soon which you can see ;)
Medusa's eyes said:
Well lets see if I can remember all the songs they the right order :rolleyes: ...

Communion and the Oracle
Awakenings (guess that's what they mean a 'new' song)
Smoke and Mirrors
Sea of Lies
Of Sins and Shadows
King of Terrors

I believe you got it right. Nice song you were listening to btw. Can't wait till they release the new album, go on tour and visit Holland!