Symphony X Aussie fans unite

I really hate the host Peter Everitt, he's gayer than gay and knows jack all about anything that they actually do on that show... :heh:

My brother is a really good cook, and watches it, but I can't stand it...
I hate the way he trots down the stairs and hi-5's or hi-10's everyone, even those who don't want to do it. The old host was much better.
Ready Steady cook, is one of the more watchable day time tv shows but yep, the host is definatly gayer than aids.....
Guys, I'm not an australian, but I love australia lots, and I go there now and then. Unfortunately I'm not going out there for a while, and daysend have just released a new album. I'm gonna have to pay some stupid amount of money to import it, so I'd just like to know if anyones bought it or heard it yet and can tell me if its any good.
I saw the new Daysend album in JB Hi-Fi just yesterday, and i do enjoy them when i see them live, but just not enough to buy the new album. I may give it a torrent though, so if that's good then i'll buy it.

In unrelated news, i suggest we pimp Lord to be their opener come Aussie tour time. Awesome or what right?
Voyager are great. I saw them in melbourne last year. VP are okay but there just isn't much to differentiate them from the rest of the power/prog genre. Eyefear also suffer from slightly generic music.

TM are good. I don't mind them at all. But Lord (and Dungen before them) are probably the most enjoyable metal band that has come out of Oz in many years. You can throw your Psycroptic and Astiaal and Virgin Black and F...ID at me all you want: I still think Lord/Dungeon are the top band in years.
Yeah LORD are definately up there, new demos sounded awesome, id also throw in Pathogen (not for the support but awesome aussie metal) - but thats just the west aussie in me shining through :kickass: