A whole CD of songs like Candlelight Fantasia? Yes please!
Let's cut the crap; SX will never make another V or Damnation Game. That's the truth. It looks like if you didn't like PL, it's about time you find another favorite band.
So far, it SEEMS like you might be right. I mean, ever since PL came out, they simply seem to be happy with that direction. When you hear them talk about something like V it doesn't sound like it's something they want to go back to. Still, I'm gonna have to wait until I hear the whole album before I make that judgement though. We may (or may not) be experiencing a turning point in the band's direction, just like when the old Dream Theater stopped being the old Dream Theater and started being the new Dream Theater; or Children of Bodom; or many others...
I'm just gonna wait to hear the new record and then see what the band has to say with regards to what they wanna do next, then I'll probably know for sure.