Symphony X to tour with Dream Theater

Argg - I hate being fooled days after the 1st of April :loco: - but...I'm still alive, so I guess I'm hoping for the best and move on ;)
Now, you know what WOULD be fun...

Seeing both bands playing "Under a Glass Moon" together.

And there might be another song off of the first SymX album that could be done to balance that out...I actually think LaBrie could do a nice job with the vocals. (And I'm not being sarcastic, either.)
Hah, and while their at it, they could just go on and switch their setlists - now THAT would be an interesting and fun evening ;)
Neva Kee said:
Hah, and while their at it, they could just go on and switch their setlists - now THAT would be an interesting and fun evening ;)

I think it would be awesome if Symphony X switched their sets up a bit, like Dream Theater does. They may not have as big of a back catalogue as DT, but it would still be interesting.