System of a Down

Yeah, they're not arfraid to talk about different things in their lyrics, and their playing is quite technical, so I like them...It definitely doesn't disagree with me. (not like the other shit in their genre)
I borrowed their first album off a friend recently and well, its not that good. The vocals and lyrics may be good but the riffs are so DAMN WEAK and REPEATITIVE!!! The drumming sucks big time and there isnt much melody. If only they could write more technical complicated riffs/melodies in their songs then they truly would be great. The best songs off the first album are Sugar, War and Suite Pee but as usual they are spoilt by the nu-metalish weak musicianship.
system fucking rocks.... call them "nu-metal" if you will, but they're really nothing like any other nu-metal band, or any other band for that matter. i just think of them as really outrageous metal with a dark yet zany sense of humour. i think they have great variety on toxicity (the first one gets just a little bit redundant by the end), both musically and lyrically. i like how Serj seems to write about whatever's on his mind, beit politics, love, death, charles manson, the enviorment, armenia, whatever. it makes the albums very interesting.

they're awesome live too. they play a lot of b-sides (johnny, we're on drugs) and they make up some songs on the spot. i've seen them twice, and each time they played completely different sets. at ozzfest they did this awesome thing where they played sugar, and then instead of playing the bridge (the part thats like "alone i sit, in my desolate room, no lights, etc), they broke into prison song, played prison song in its entirety, then went back to sugar. it was fucking awesome.

system of a down rocks, fuck everyone who hates them because of their commercial success!
"If you work for any of the tobacco companies then by all means slack off. Damn guys got me hooked.

Hah - idiot."

:lol: hyhyhyhyhyhyhyhy.......
system of a down is awesome
serj is great on vocals
and everyone else does their part to support him
ive seen them live before and they fucking rocked
not sure what metal genre they are part of, but
i think they are some type of metal
Originally posted by forest of october
I loved System's first album. Not a huge fan of Toxicity though. It just sounds too polished for me.

i think they sound good polished..... plus, the first one was much less creative, much more formulaic. toxicity has much more interesting lyrics though. it seems like on the first one whenever serj couldn't think of what to say, he would just start swearing. for instance, in suite-pea when he screams "everyone needs a mother... FUCKERRRRRRRRRRRR!" i mean come on, what the fuck is that? or in sugar when he says "what i do, what do i say, fuck you and it all goes away". seems like as new artists they took some akward musical steps in making that first album, whereas on toxicity it seems like they've really got their shit together...
I like them very much. As far as the first album vs. the second one, I respectfully disagree with what's been said above; the first one is ten times better. Toxicity is good but self-titled is excellent.

And yes, I think they are metal.

But, as we all know, opinions are like assholes; everybody has one and they all stink.
It took time.

At first I didn't like them, or should I say that they sounded to me stupid and I didn't understand them. I even bought their first album and sold it the next week.

Then I saw their music video, of Toxicity, and hooked on watching it, listening to music at the same time and realized, that there is a big Idea behind. I piratized Toxicity and listened it over couple of times, and it slowly opened.

Then, last time I was dj'ing in a party i played Chop Suey! four times, two times in a row =) Decided that this is good music, and after I bought Toxicity and their first album, I haven't listened _anything_ else, literally.

So, I must say I really am attached or even addicted to SOAD. Just waiting for their new album.

Which, by the way, I kazaa'd the other day. It's a very good album this 'Steal This Album', do check it out - not that kind of energy-burst as 'toxicity', but certainly SOAD style and very well and interesting album. And getting better all the time...

...Can't wait 'till next tuesday to get the original one!