tell me about iced earth

I really can't wait for this new album that they're (Jon) putting out later this year. I thought the Glorious Burden was great but I hope it redeems IE in the eyes of others who hated it.
Start out with Iced Earth and slowely buy them all.

I cant say enough good things about Iced Earth and in my opinion you wont regret not missing out on this band.
okay i finally went to best buy today and guess what they only had like 3 iced earth cd's and they were all the glorious burden, crap! :erk: but i found the dvd there actually, i listened to the cd and i thought its ok so far, i still like the singer with red hair better i think.

i watched some of the dvd and i think im going to like it but theres so many songs on there! i think im just going to watch like 5 or 6 songs per day because i want to know the songs better before i watch all of them. also what the hecks with taht bass player , hes in iced earth and megadeth and nevermore for a little bit lol. also why does the drummer wear headphones while playing? thatd be funny if he was listening to other music while playing :lol: plus isnt it weird that the guitar player writes all the words and songs, and the singer just sings them? seems kinda strange to me, but he looks like a pretty good guitar player from what ive watched so far. well thats about it, thanks for all the info! :cool:
The headphones are a metronome smart guy. Drummers use metronomes to keep them in time when they play, and even use them live sometimes.
okay i finally went to best buy today and guess what they only had like 3 iced earth cd's and they were all the glorious burden, crap! :erk: but i found the dvd there actually, i listened to the cd and i thought its ok so far, i still like the singer with red hair better i think.

i watched some of the dvd and i think im going to like it but theres so many songs on there! i think im just going to watch like 5 or 6 songs per day because i want to know the songs better before i watch all of them. also what the hecks with taht bass player , hes in iced earth and megadeth and nevermore for a little bit lol. also why does the drummer wear headphones while playing? thatd be funny if he was listening to other music while playing :lol: plus isnt it weird that the guitar player writes all the words and songs, and the singer just sings them? seems kinda strange to me, but he looks like a pretty good guitar player from what ive watched so far. well thats about it, thanks for all the info! :cool:

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