TGM album coming! but do i need a bassplayer for the Toxic Grind Machine album?

Jun 2, 2005
Just installed/tweaked a new machine, new software and im getting to ready to mix the TGM album now all is ready and done.

One thing is bothering me though:

Sort of torn between using my trustworthy reason "in the cold light of reason" VSTi bass, or using a real bass this time.

VSTi is tight but a bit fake.. then again that fake sound could work for industrial stuff like TGM.
Real bass is aweome, but it could be quite some work and effort getting that sorted and right compared to just using the VSTi bass(es).

Would anyone be up for that to begin with? I have all the bass MIDI files so it would be easy to send those out for the notes/what to play.
I really would need a tight bassplayer and a tight, somewhat industrial sound.

Just need some advice and thoughts..
I'd be more than willing to take a look at some bass MIDI and see if I can make it happen. No promises though, possible work transfer halfway across the country coming up.
Go VSTi! It sounds amazing and fits your style. All the times I´ve heard your tunes I've never caught myself thinking "damn, I wish it was a real bass". Actually, all I could think was "release an album! now!"

ps: not related to the thread at all, but IMO your "toxic recordings" logo would be better without the headphone.
I'd vote vst, and definitely +1 the Trillian suggestion. I think it totally fits your industrial metal style for sure.
In any other situation I would highly recommend a real bass player; however, given the context of bob's music, finding a bass player to lay down real bass tracks with the precision they'll need to meet the standards of his music is going to be extremely difficult. Those familiar with his music will understand completely what I mean. If you can find a real tight bass player, then yes, go real... but if not, I think going the vst route will save you lots of headache later editing.
Fuck bass. Other than singers and guitarists, everything can be done just as well with software these days.

If you decide to go VSTi, tell everyone after the songs are done that "I went with this bass guitar player from my hometown called Pieter, he's great". Then people will start praising the awesomeness of a real bass player over the VSTi, while in reality they are hearing a well programmed and well mixed VSTi ...
good luck with the album dude! i still have in my head "burn bright wry jackal".
Bass speaking i still love the clawfinger reason bass u mentioned (which i have converted into a kontakt patch and it fucking rules)
good luck with the album dude! i still have in my head "burn bright wry jackal".
Bass speaking i still love the clawfinger reason bass u mentioned (which i have converted into a kontakt patch and it fucking rules)


And yes, that bass is awesome! Would use it if i could.. but i have reason 3 here which refuses to connect to cubase 5 (rewire wont connect the two).
Fuck bass. Other than singers and guitarists, everything can be done just as well with software these days.

If you decide to go VSTi, tell everyone after the songs are done that "I went with this bass guitar player from my hometown called Pieter, he's great". Then people will start praising the awesomeness of a real bass player over the VSTi, while in reality they are hearing a well programmed and well mixed VSTi ...

This! :lol:

And yes, that bass is awesome! Would use it if i could.. but i have reason 3 here which refuses to connect to cubase 5 (rewire wont connect the two).

yeah that's why i made that, if any of u guys wants the patch i can upload so u can use it directly with cubase 5. Obviously with jocke permission (it was him who made that right?)
He did good sir.. he did.

He would probably have no problems with it as he has given permission before for something simillar.. but best to just ask him first i guess?
Is it a kontakt patch then?
He did good sir.. he did.

He would probably have no problems with it as he has given permission before for something simillar.. but best to just ask him first i guess?
Is it a kontakt patch then?

kontakt patch sir (for now is = to the reason instrument) but..

i was even about to use melodyne to pitch shift some notes to create some kind of multisample patch to avoid some shit when the same note repeats