The 2 movies I've watched thus far today...

So far I've watched Frequency at 6 this morning...will probably watch something else soon. Any suggestions? I am thinking one of the 89 versions of Dracula that I own or um...a Johnny Depp movie...X Files is on in an hour, yay! This is how I am happily spending my saturday.
You know what i rented and watched twice yesterday? "Equilibrium" - if you go to blockbuster they should have it in the new releases, It stars Christian Bale, Sean Bean, and several others - the subject matter is highly marxist and the plot of the film somewhat resembles that of the book "1984".

But to get you to really watch it - Christian Bale plays a dude who is a mmber of an elite caste of enforcers called the clerics - he kicks some serious tail - the fight scenes are totally bad ass! Plus he fucks A LOT of people up, no joke, the movie rocks the kasba - i recommend it x2 :D
Equilibrium is, handsdown, one of the my top three favorite movies of all time (the other two being Requiem For a Dream and A Clockwork Orange)

Haven't watched any movies yet today. Nothing good has been on. I may pop in The Crow sometime tonight
unknown said:
Equilibrium is, handsdown, one of the my top three favorite movies of all time (the other two being Requiem For a Dream and A Clockwork Orange)

Haven't watched any movies yet today. Nothing good has been on. I may pop in The Crow sometime tonight

Awesome dude, i missed it in theaters so i've been waiting for like a year to see it

It was fucking cool as hell - the main character was so badass

although some may have problems with the acting i thought the whole movie was good

you know what's another good movie? What Dreams May Come - awesome, i absolutely love that movie.
I never saw it in theaters either. I borrowed it from one of my friends

Never saw What Dreams May Come...well...I saw part of it...seemed interesting
Lillitu said:
If you want a good, fucked up version of Alice in Wonderland w/o the Disney skew, I reccomend Jan Svankmajer's Alice. It's stop action animation with a real girl that plays Alice. He animates in the style of the Brother's Quay

i didn't like how the whole thing was narrated by alice, that got really annoying when it kept going back to her each time with the "said [so and so]" thing... otherwise pretty good with the craziness, it gets props just cause its alice and the badass animation
FretsAflame said:
You know what i rented and watched twice yesterday? "Equilibrium" - if you go to blockbuster they should have it in the new releases, It stars Christian Bale, Sean Bean, and several others - the subject matter is highly marxist and the plot of the film somewhat resembles that of the book "1984".

But to get you to really watch it - Christian Bale plays a dude who is a mmber of an elite caste of enforcers called the clerics - he kicks some serious tail - the fight scenes are totally bad ass! Plus he fucks A LOT of people up, no joke, the movie rocks the kasba - i recommend it x2 :D

yeah, good movie.. thanks to karmic for getting me to watch it a while ago.
Chromatose said:
i didn't like how the whole thing was narrated by alice, that got really annoying when it kept going back to her each time with the "said [so and so]" thing... otherwise pretty good with the craziness, it gets props just cause its alice and the badass animation
He did a version of the Faust story that I don't recommend, but he did do two full length films that I highly recommend: Conspirators of Pleasure and Little Otik. Both much better than Alice. I still like to get .... altered ... and watch Alice for the images and sound effects.
i started attempting to watch faust once, and just gave up, i had doubts about its ability to keep me interested... i haven't heard of those other two, things i'll definitely have to look into!
Faust was on tonight on some channel...the review and brief description wasn't good, so I didn't watch it.

Heh...I have a couple of relatives with the last name Faust...hmmmm
unknown said:
Faust was on tonight on some channel...the review and brief description wasn't good, so I didn't watch it.

Heh...I have a couple of relatives with the last name Faust...hmmmm

dude, there's like a dozen different versions of that movie - i heard a few were actually good - but most of them suck, this i know from experience

think B movie, or even C, equipped with bad special effects, obvious latex prosthetics, goofy costume design, no soundtrack, and a reaaally ugly naked chick with terrible breasts.
i liked the version of faust of i saw on wishbone.

YES DOES ANYONE REMEMBER WISHBONE! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (?)
Chromatose said:
i liked the version of faust of i saw on wishbone.

YES DOES ANYONE REMEMBER WISHBONE! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (?)
YES!!!!!!! That was the coolest show, I love that dog ...they were pretty good with their interpretations of stuff, from what I remember as well. It's fun AND educational- fun for the whole family, folks.
The crap that they just showed on Sci Fi has nothing in common with the comic inspiration of Faust by Quinn and Vigil. That was an amazing comic from the 90's that was as violent and beautifully drawn as Spawn and rawly sexual. The drek that they just showed really should not see the light of day again.

In a word: sucks. More on the Faust comic series here:

That is all.
Lillitu said:
The crap that they just showed on Sci Fi has nothing in common with the comic inspiration of Faust by Quinn and Vigil. That was an amazing comic from the 90's that was as violent and beautifully drawn as Spawn and rawly sexual. The drek that they just showed really should not see the light of day again.

In a word: sucks. More on the Faust comic series here:

That is all.

ya, i'm pretty sure i've ran into those comics somewhere before, btw i'm glad you like Spawn - I don't really do the whole comic book thing but I think Spawn could quite possibly be one of the best comics to ever come out of America :D