The 20 most influential metal albums of all time

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Active Member
Oct 16, 2012
Southern California
Submit your lists and I will rank them, like ozz did for the genre voting (death, thrash, etc) Then I'll make a poll to vote on the most influential metal albums ever.
Devourment will get left out even though sixteen years after their debut people are still copying their style. ;)
We're gonna start over without all the stupid bullshit ;)

This is harder than the other threads I did. I may do this in groups of 5 or something as I think more and more about it.
No lists yet, maybe I should change this to "the 20 metal albums that influenced YOU the most"

Overall influence might be difficult to comment on without a lot of research involved.
So any time there's a disagreement, threads are just gonna get nuked?


I looked at the deleted posts, there were no disagreements (and if there were, it was the typical "you don't know shit" remarks). It was more of the same bs that derails threads all the time like, "your opinion is shit, oh here we go ..., oh so and so calling "x" shit, keep ___ out of here..."

So, more of the same ol same ol. A relevant thread was started and began to get derailed before even starting. Contribute and have fun (within relevance) or gtfo.
I looked at the deleted posts, there were no disagreements (and if there were, it was the typical "you don't know shit" remarks). It was more of the same bs that derails threads all the time like, "your opinion is shit, oh here we go ..., oh so and so calling "x" shit, keep ___ out of here..."

So, more of the same ol same ol. A relevant thread was started and began to get derailed before even starting. Contribute and have fun (within relevance) or gtfo.

my posts were tongue in cheek and not intended to be provocative tbf, i gently ribbed TB, and i was jokingly referencing your thread rather than seriously saying someone's opinion was shit. i don't think all humour should be sucked from this board, it's not like things were getting unpleasant (at least from what i saw, maybe it escalated and i missed it lol).
My post got deleted because I calmly stated that I feel that Devourment hasn't released a top 20 most influential metal album? Okay.

I guess that we can't discuss our stance on other people's choices.
My post got deleted because I calmly stated that I feel that Devourment hasn't released a top 20 most influential metal album? Okay.

I guess that we can't discuss our stance on other people's choices.
that was an outburst clearly meant to offend

That's how I took it in the context of everything that was occurring at the time. Deron didn't disagree it seems.

If you look in other threads, I haven't done this.

Baroque: I'm going to close this thread because it got really off topic (and still is because people can't drop the issue).

If people have a problem with what me or Jeremy are doing, please message us. If you feel you have to go to Deron instead, please do so.
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