The Anti America Thread

eva_dolly said:
Are you sure about the science. All my science classes, besides my physics class, pretty much failed to my veiw. I ran in to some pretty lazy teachers that could care less. The way we are going we are not trying to improve our education stadards. Most develouped contires have an education systen a lot better then ours.

Oh I didn't explain clearly. The Chinese students like to choose America before Europe or australia when applying for schools(usually grad schools) because they want to immigrate to that country, and America is the easiest if they can find a job after they graduate...Most european nations are not easy. So as you said, US schools may not as good as some european schools(but it's still good enough for the world besides North America, western Europe and australia)
btw, the Chinese who return after they graduate from US schools are usually those who can't find jobs there...
Alexis Eugenesken Araujo said:
That's why every children wants to improve their skills in the futbol soccer and become a professional:Spin:
You know what?
There is some truth on that statement :loco:

BloodyScalpel said:
Dude you have no idea how much our schools suck :lol:

We had a dude from Brazil at my highschool for one year was an exchange student. I thought he was a complete tool. No offense to any Brazillians on here I am sure he is no model example.

Weightlifting class was funny cause this dude thought he was way superior than us at sports and then he takes this class and all us fat dudes are benching and squating twice as much as him. His face was priceless when we were maxing out and he could barely bench 125. He talked so much shit before the class, like I am gonna show you fat americans what a real man is. Then we totally wtfpwn him.

He used to always act like a dumbass in History class and the teacher got pissed one day and made him sit in the hall. Always pissed me off cause History was my favorite class.
eva_dolly said:
the colleges I'm looking at are all about just under 30K a year. They're all art since I want to major in Fashion design. What college are you looking at?
it is called AI, Art institute of america or something, i wanna go in for animation and graphics design, that and culinary arts. the school i want to go to has fashion design too... hmm i see we have somethin incommon, we're destined for each other...lets hook up!:wave:
The Soulforged said:
it is called AI, Art institute of america or something, i wanna go in for animation and graphics design, that and culinary arts. the school i want to go to has fashion design too... hmm i see we have somethin incommon, we're destined for each other...lets hook up!:wave:

Oh I'm planning to go to either
School of the Art institute of Chicago, Fashion Institute of Technology, Californial College of the arts, or Otis College of art and Design^^.. but college choices we are not to common
-Rivfader- said:
We had a dude from Brazil at my highschool for one year was an exchange student. I thought he was a complete tool. No offense to any Brazillians on here I am sure he is no model example.

Weightlifting class was funny cause this dude thought he was way superior than us at sports and then he takes this class and all us fat dudes are benching and squating twice as much as him. His face was priceless when we were maxing out and he could barely bench 125. He talked so much shit before the class, like I am gonna show you fat americans what a real man is. Then we totally wtfpwn him.

He used to always act like a dumbass in History class and the teacher got pissed one day and made him sit in the hall. Always pissed me off cause History was my favorite class.
:lol: Are you sure he wasn't an argentinian in disguise? That's typical argentinian behaviour :loco:
eva_dolly said:
Oh I'm planning to go to either
School of the Art institute of Chicago, Fashion Institute of Technology, Californial College of the arts, or Otis College of art and Design^^.. but college choices we are not to common

i was actually thinking of goin to chicago, but probaly end up in Minneapolis
bodomite said:
2. USA was Founded by "christians"

No,it wasn't. The first settlers were Puritans but the Founders weren’t Puritans.

eva dolly said:
but they really are all in the southern states

Are Oregon (skinheads) and Indiana (two factions of the KKK are headquartered there) in the South?

The Bringer said:
How many years is George Bush in office? Well everyone knows a president can only be in office for 8 years. So 2001-2009 right?

Officially from 2000 to 2008.

Alexis Eugenesken Araujo said:
The still have the KKK there. And there are nazi parades, still.

they are racist sumbags.

There aren’t any Nazi Parades; the KKK still have rallies on the steps of the local Courthouse in some areas so people can presumably throw things and hurl insults at them.

eva dolly said:
He we get snow so we can't be from the south

I live in Virginia, it’s colder than a witch’s tit, and there’s presently snow halfway up to my knees. You were saying?

The Bringer said:
Well I feel sorry for smart, intellegent people in America that get drowned out by the horde of sheep running around blindly.

We appreciate your sympathy. :)
Wings of a dream said:

Although, a witch's tit? come on, what kind of analogy is that?

A witch, supposedly, is evil and therefore cold. It's just a saying; it can be used interchangeably with "colder than a well digger's ass."

And what, may I ask, are you agreeing with?
brightkelly said:
Oh I didn't explain clearly. The Chinese students like to choose America before Europe or australia when applying for schools(usually grad schools) because they want to immigrate to that country, and America is the easiest if they can find a job after they graduate...Most european nations are not easy. So as you said, US schools may not as good as some european schools(but it's still good enough for the world besides North America, western Europe and australia)
btw, the Chinese who return after they graduate from US schools are usually those who can't find jobs there...
well the chinese students better stay in china cus it just pwnz0rz europe and us.