The -- Ask a Question -- Game

The London Dungeons are pretty awesome, although the admission is expensive hmmmm unless its shopping I can't really add anything more to the list that isn't a tourist attraction.
The Intrepid Fox maybe?

Shall I moisturise the **** out of my sunburnt face, in a vain attempt to delay the peeling or just give in?
Moisturize. And put some cold yoghurt on, at least it will help you get rid of the rash. It will still peel of course. But then you can complain endlessly about how you tried so hard to stop it from peeling and it still did. :D

Worst metal musician, from your point of view? (be it composer, singer, instrumentalist blabla)
This "singer'' but the rest of the band is nominated to [ame][/ame]

What do you think of the new Ensiferum samples going round on the internet?
i wont judge until I have the songs in full-length and whatever...wait and see :)

Do you rather buy or legally download albums?
I dont think so LOOOOL I am sorry XD XD

How would your perfect birthday-party look like?
Couldn't care less about either, but soccer, football always seemed like kind of a vulgar term to me. *shrugs*

If you could be a famous person of your own sex, who would you pick?