He and I were fighting the same fight. I dunno his personal opinion, but I guess he cannot be happy after being banned for no real reason.
then wtf is with this pic? From a time when Bob wasn't a mod, or Joe wasn't anti-mod?
He and I were fighting the same fight. I dunno his personal opinion, but I guess he cannot be happy after being banned for no real reason.
then wtf is with this pic? From a time when Bob wasn't a mod, or Joe wasn't anti-mod?
then wtf is with this pic? From a time when Bob wasn't a mod, or Joe wasn't anti-mod?
palabrita de la dia?
If you finally failed the test, what would it mean?
Dunno where it is from, but I don't even want to talk about mods. They are watching.
I failed three of my four classes this semester. My dad paid the tuition, but doesn't know yet how shitty I did. How should I tell him, and what can I do to not get pummeled too hard? I mean I feel like shit, but what can I do at this point?
palabra del día (although I could be mistaken)palabrita de la dia?
de + le = duMot de le jour?
You're japanese, so I bet you're familiar with the term Seppuku or Hara-Kiri.
If not, google it. That's your answer.
Mot de le jour?
palabra del día (although I could be mistaken)
gon... does everyone like a wiseguy?
Where are all your dreams gonna fall?
Dear Gon, I'm gonna ask you this in spanish because it just wouldn't work in english
Un bus amarillo tiene que ir al colegio a las 7:30 de la mañana. Si el bus llega al colegio a las 9:30, de que color llegaria?
where's the salsa?
Actually I'm half chinese but I'll go ahead and google it.
EDIT: After googling those phrases, I've decided to transfer over to the Ask Heartless thread.
Probably when i was in Brazil. I dunno how far was it in km, but you get my point.The farthest you've been from home?
What's the worst possible place to go to in Argentina?