please lose your ipod and... well, you know the drill.Well I have nothing better to do I've finished packing for tommorow (omgholiday) and I'm just waiting for my iPud to sync
why is this thread dead ?
what the fuck
do you like the song crossing the rubicon from the human abstract
Fetzer is buried underground, waiting for a good moment to show up.where is Fetzer?
i loved it! it was quite good, the whole dark ambience plus russell making funny faces and having a snake in his hand... pure win!!My dear Gonzo,
what's your opinion about Symphony X's first music video posted online, Serpent's Kiss ?..
LOL! That was possibly my doppelgänger, my evil twin... the bizarro Gonzo.Yesterday i saw a guy who looked just like you, so were you in Manhattan yesterday?
Cause sometimes it goes through death periods just to revive weeks later.
Thanks for the Feniown, Marie.
never heard of it.