The Astrology Thread

Ah, astrology. I used to be all like "pffft, this stuff is bullshit" and now I'm all like "tell me more!". While I don't believe we should put all our trust in astrology, it can be quite interesting to read about especially if you sometimes recognise yourself or someone you know it.

Emppu's a Cancer? I love Cancers, I've had some incredibly run, random times with Cancers, lol. Though some Cancers that I know are quite frustrating too, they try to put on such a tough act when they're in fact upset and you cannot get through to them. :p

@C: Are you still doing charts? I've been considering getting mine done, but I've yet to find out my time of birth and all that, so I'm not in a hurry or anything.
^Yes, I still do charts. When you're ready, just send me your info.

No, I don't think one should put all their belief into anything---astrology, religion, etc.---but I look at astrology more as an art than a science. ;) This reminds me of the time at the old OSA forum when we had an astrology thread, and one of the "skeptics" posted in it and said, "OK, here is a brief synopsis about me; my personality, the things I like, etc. What sign am I?" I nailed him dead-on as a Capricorn! I don't know if he ever became a convert, but I was pretty proud of myself that I was able to do it with such little info to go on. :lol:

Yes, Cancers are wonderful. I know a lot of them and they really get a bad reputation for being morose or moody; which they can be, but they are also some of the most fun people to hang around and their sense of humor is so great. I remember after my gallbladder operation, a Cancerian friend of mine came to visit me and knew I couldn't laugh because of the incision (or I'd have to hold a pillow against me, to laugh or cough, etc.). But that didn't stop him from doing everything possible to make me laugh! :lol:

Oh, and part of what made OSA Weekend in L.A. so fun was Desi's friend Cara, who is also a Cancer. She was so much fun, and I just love her to bits! I wish she'd come and post at the forum sometime, you all would love her too. :D
Oh, and part of what made OSA Weekend in L.A. so fun was Desi's friend Cara, who is also a Cancer. She was so much fun, and I just love her to bits! I wish she'd come and post at the forum sometime, you all would love her too. :D

I'm workin on that! :P

I keep intending to figure out my time of birth etc, because I'm super curious. Eventually I'll get there. :)
^Yes, I still do charts. When you're ready, just send me your info.

No, I don't think one should put all their belief into anything---astrology, religion, etc.---but I look at astrology more as an art than a science. ;) This reminds me of the time at the old OSA forum when we had an astrology thread, and one of the "skeptics" posted in it and said, "OK, here is a brief synopsis about me; my personality, the things I like, etc. What sign am I?" I nailed him dead-on as a Capricorn! I don't know if he ever became a convert, but I was pretty proud of myself that I was able to do it with such little info to go on. :lol:

Yes, Cancers are wonderful. I know a lot of them and they really get a bad reputation for being morose or moody; which they can be, but they are also some of the most fun people to hang around and their sense of humor is so great. I remember after my gallbladder operation, a Cancerian friend of mine came to visit me and knew I couldn't laugh because of the incision (or I'd have to hold a pillow against me, to laugh or cough, etc.). But that didn't stop him from doing everything possible to make me laugh! :lol:

Oh, and part of what made OSA Weekend in L.A. so fun was Desi's friend Cara, who is also a Cancer. She was so much fun, and I just love her to bits! I wish she'd come and post at the forum sometime, you all would love her too. :D

Yes, that's so true, I agree with pretty much the whole post. :)

Cancers are the sort of people that can make me choke on a mouthfull of food out of nowhere due to their humour. :D Even though Cancers can be moody, the ones I know are more often down-to-earth and joyful so in my experience, they aren't the type whose negative feelings bring others down. (In fact sometimes they make things a lot better).
Unfortunately the Cancers I've met over the years, have just shown their moody sides to me. Says the two-faced Gemini.
Yeah, my earth sign still feels off to me, though C's reading was pretty much on target. :lol: I am not an earth at all. I have some earthy tendencies, but yikes, I am not that solid at all. :lol: But then my sister the sloppy harlot is a Virgo, so... :lol:
^Well, you were born an Earth sign, but I can't remember if your Moon or ascendant was in a Water sign. Because the Moon rules a person's emotions---for example, I have the Moon in a Water sign (Scorpio); so technically while I'm supposed to be a "logical, analytical" Air sign, I tend to be more Water-like in emotional situations (and because I have 4 planets in Scorpio, I tend to relate more to Scorpios sometimes than my fellow Librans). To put it in quick terms, I think like a Libra, but feel like a Scorpio. Many astrology books say this is a hard placement for Librans, because they are typically "on the surface" or don't like to delve too deeply into their emotional side, and Scorpio is all about plunging the depths of everything! :lol: But I have come to terms with my "Libran need for peace coupled with my Scorpio need for truth at all costs", so maybe this is why I don't think it's all that bad as some of the astrologers make it. ;)
That sounds about right actually. I'm too logical and sensible to be a water in that regard, but way too watery in regards to everything else. :lol: So my trouble is that I've been Mooned. :lol:
I actually have a couple of placements in Cancer so all the stuff I have in my home from my childhood home makes sense to me now. I can gladly throw away everything but not things that were in my childhood home. Yeah C..., I really think I'm a bit two-faced sometimes lol. Or is it that I'm 2 different people. The end result is still the same; a general feeling of confusion most of the time lol.
So I finally had the time to sit down, and read over my Astrology Chart... and MY GAWD; the chart you did for me, couldn't of been any more accurate!!!
Thank you soo much C!
I really appreciate you taking the time to do it! :grin:
C! Thank you so, so, so, so much! I know you've been really busy and I don't really understand all the work that goes into charts, so thank you so much! *Hugs*

While I was reading it, I kept making sarcastic comments in my mind. I might post some of my thoughts here, but it will take a while, I do want it to be coherent. XD However I must say I cannot see myself as being ambitious and powerful. I mean I am…in my daydreams. But I have a really difficult time finding my inner ambition in real life situations. XD
^Well, you do have several placements in both Libra and Gemini, which are Air signs and known for being "changeable", so sometimes it is difficult for them to find the inner fire to light under their asses sometimes. Trust me, I know! :lol:

However, your Saturn in Capricorn is in its home placement, which means when it comes down to the wire, you probably find it in you to suck it up and get the job done.
I don't know how to copy just one sentence from someone's post. I end up getting the whole post. Well what I wanted to say to Mooki, is that I understand how you feel. Having sun in Gemini, I also lack the ambition of for instance my Leo mother, who has 100 good business ideas and would be able to pull off most of them if she had the time and was younger. But no, not me. I'm spending most of my time in movieland, watching one movie after another and daydreaming. I also have both difficulties to reach certain goals and to not get bored with stuff. I guess that's the Gemini curse; to get bored and to daydream. Aries moon has given me no more ambition, just a bit of a temper.
It doesn't help that my ascendent is in Sag. And they are known for having goals but not really reaching them before they find something else to interest themselves in. Would you say that's putting it correctly C....?
^To copy a sentence: just take the mouse and highlight the sentence you want to copy (left-click the mouse and then drag it across the sentence; it should turn a blue color). Then anywhere inside the blue part, right click and you will see some choices. Choose "copy". Then when you're ready to quote the sentence, hit the "wrap quote" button, and right-click in-between the brackets that say "quote". When you right-click, you will see some choices again. Choose "paste". From there, the sentence you copied should be highlighted.

Or, another way is to quote like you always do, but use the left-click to highlight the parts you don't want and choose "cut" when you right-click.

OK, a good question deserves a good answer, so I will try my best. :lol:

Actually, because Sagittarius rising is so versatile and can oftentimes be skilled at more than one thing, this can be taken as lack of motivation or an inability to stick to one thing. For example, those with a sturdier rising sign (let's say Capricorn or Taurus) might see Sagittarius rising as the sort to "wander about aimlessly", but that's because those rising signs concentrate more on a singular goal and tend to look at those who multi-task as not being very focused.

It's true that Sag rising can lose interest in things, but it's not so much from laziness as it is from the Fire sign impatience to do everything *right now*. Fire signs hate to be idle, and ironically can be their own worst enemy in that their need to do everything and be everywhere can oftentimes come back to bite them in the ass when they impatiently cut off projects because they're not getting done or being accomplished as quickly as they want, or in the manner that they feel is sufficient. However, Fire signs can be *very* ambitious once they find that special something that motivates them; it's the finding that special something that's the trouble sometimes. :lol:

Just like the both of you, I am also an Air sign with a Fire sign rising (Libra with a Leo rising), so I also suffer from these same conflicts of interest. As an Air sign, we are often accused of procrastination and lack of initiative (as well as our liking to daydream!); yet at the same time our Fire ascendants make us impatient and easily frustrated whenever we do decide to tackle on projects and find that they aren't coming along as easily or as fast as we expect them to.

Hope this helps a little bit. ;)