The Astrology Thread

Thanks C..... that really explained it well. I guess I should just try to curb those wandering tendencies and focus more on just one thing. I have sort of "waves" as I call it; for a couple of weeks I'm really interested in something, but then I get bored or whatever I want accomplished doesn't happen quickly enough (I guess that Gemini sun and Sag rising is quite a bad combo). I will never forget the "learn how to draw" correspondence course I took when I was a teenager. There was actually 20 different lessons and after you completed one lesson, you got the next lessons sent by post. Well you can understand how well that went :))
I guess I made it to the 9th lesson, then I quit. Nevermind that I'd paid for the whole course in advance. So, that's sort of me in a nutshell.
I just envy, envy those people who have very specific goals and actually reach their goals, at least at some point in their life.
^Yeah, I'm in awe of those people too, because I also suffer from impatience but also a tendency to fill my plate too high sometimes. Like I take on all these projects at once because I think I can do them, then I become overwhelmed by them, you know? Well, it's said that Libra never likes to say no to anything, and will take on chores or obligations that they hate because they don't want to hurt someone's feelings by refusing them. I don't know if that's true of me, but I do find sometimes that I want to be helpful and agree to something and then find I've bitten off more than I can chew. :lol:
Just like the both of you, I am also an Air sign with a Fire sign rising (Libra with a Leo rising), so I also suffer from these same conflicts of interest. As an Air sign, we are often accused of procrastination and lack of initiative (as well as our liking to daydream!); yet at the same time our Fire ascendants make us impatient and easily frustrated whenever we do decide to tackle on projects and find that they aren't coming along as easily or as fast as we expect them to.

This is the worst combination. Do you know how many times this has bitten me in the ass? Sleepless fucking nights over and over and over again because of this procrastination/impatience tendency.

I have been meaning to make a detailed reply about my chart info, but I haven't gotten around to it. Laziness and distractions. XD I'll try to do this soon, I don't want to leave it hanging forever.

I'm spending most of my time in movieland, watching one movie after another and daydreaming. I also have both difficulties to reach certain goals and to not get bored with stuff. I guess that's the Gemini curse; to get bored and to daydream.

This is me. :lol:

Like I take on all these projects at once because I think I can do them, then I become overwhelmed by them, you know?

Get out of my head! :lol:
This happened to me recently and now, I think I've just given up. I tried to take on too many projects before going travelling, but it is almost impossible to do it all in the very limited time I have. It either won't happen at all, or I will have to rob someone off their laptop.
This is the worst combination. Do you know how many times this has bitten me in the ass? Sleepless fucking nights over and over and over again because of this procrastination/impatience tendency.

This is so me! It seems like I always feel the most motivated just as I'm about to go to sleep. Then of course when I wake up in the morning, I do not feel motivated at all. :lol:

I also read in an astrology book somewhere that Libras love to sleep, and this is definitely me! My favorite hobby (it's free and easy to do!). As I once said in the chat room, "I dream about sleeping when I'm sleeping!" :D
My response to the chart and some other rambling.

Shows a liking for books and literature, as well as art and music.

Honey, I would marry literature, art and music if I could.

You won't believe how many times I doubt my career choice though, feeling that something that revolves around literature and debating would be better suited. But still, I love art and design as well so I think I need to keep it all in my life.

You might be exceptionally skilled at debating because you have a blunt personality coupled with quick thinking and an ability to articulate your points.

MWAHAHAHA! I love debating. Bring it on!

There are two sides to you: the more sensitive, serious side; and the other which is more daring and sometimes reckless. You have a tendency to act first and think later.

Haha, I think my reckless, "act first, think later" side comes out around a certain Cancer I am very close with. Other than that, I don't think I am that reckless, but lately I have found myself going into some situations and then over-thinking it later and wondering if I made the right choice. D:

You're extremely driven and ambitious, desiring action for its own sake.

I have goals, but often it is very difficult for me to figure out how to attain these goals in a realistic, progressive manner, you know? I have ambition, but it's like I don't know what to do with it.

You are quick-tempered, but just as easily can drop a grudge and forgive past wrongs.

This is true, but I'll only get over things if I feel the right apologies have been offered and that they were sincere. Also, even if I do forgive, I find it very difficult to forget.

You have an ability and a willingness to accomplish anything despite the odds.

This reminds me of how I used to do assignments in high school: the day/night before. Still did well. I'm a freaking genius! :D

be sure to take care of your shoulders, arms, and hands; for they are more prone to breaking or suffering serious injury.

I've been having shoulder and hand issues due to all this work that involves sitting at a computer. D:

Ok, I'm done here, (leaving more personal stuff for now, lol) I just wanted to point out how accurate and amusing some of this was and again, thank so much for doing this, C! *Hugs*

One thing I find somewhat annoying about a lot of zodiac blogs and other sites is that when it comes to romance, they always portray Libra as this endlessly needy sort of person who always HAS to be in a relationship or around people. I can't speak for everyone, but I know plenty of Libras who are very happy being single and independent and believe it or not, we often need to be alone too, lest we start hating everyone around us and causing arguments.

Other information out there also seems to indicate that Libras need to constantly be made to feel like special, pampered little snowflakes in relationships, but as far as I am concerned, I need mental stimulation and someone who challenges me to grow as a person, not some moron who treats me like a stereotypical princess. XD

Oh and also, they make this whole Libra need for "balance" like something that controls our lives so much that we change our mind on a minute-to-minute basis just to please others and not cause conflict. Nuh-uh. Libras can be quite indecisive, but also stubborn when it comes to what we believe in and feel is right - we don't just change our minds if we feel someone or something is wrong, we can be very assertive, stand against it and be brutally honest. If that hurts some precious little snowflake's mind, tough luck mate. Also we're not shallow, we're just more mentally deep and sometimes a little emotionally stunted. =D
Other information out there also seems to indicate that Libras need to constantly be made to feel like special, pampered little snowflakes in relationships, but as far as I am concerned, I need mental stimulation and someone who challenges me to grow as a person, not some moron who treats me like a stereotypical princess. XD

Actually, for Libras, it's a little of both. Yes, they want to be made to feel special, but at least for the Libra woman, any man who insults her intelligence will never win her heart. She needs a guy she can go toe-to-toe with on the issues. Someone who loves her for her brains and her beauty (but always the first above the second!). I guess this is where Libra confuses people, because we are all about balance. We love to be taken care of in our relationships, but we also want to stand on our own. And as Air signs, we value intellectual compatibility above all else. We could love the ugliest person in the room, if that person had something intelligent to say.

Also, because Libra is a masculine sign ruled by a feminine planet, the men and women seem to "come out backwards", so to speak. Like the women are more outspoken and assertive, while the males are more sensitive and open with their feelings. So I have found that in my experience, a lot of times when a Libra wants to be a "pampered little snowflake", it's usually a Libra man more than a Libra woman! (I think this is why I have always been attracted to Aries men; I feel they're the only ones man enough to take me on! :lol: )

Now, this is not to say that Libra men are "sissies"; this is the advantage of every Libran, that we are misunderstood and oftentimes people just take us at face value, when there is more beneath the surface. Libra men are anything but soft, that's for sure! (But at least speaking for myself, I am a *very* strong personality, probably too much for a more typical Libra who might be more prone to sit on the fence and not want to "rock the boat".)

I have also never fit under the typical astrological description of Libra; such as they are social people who need to always have people around them. I have always been happy enough in my own company and actually get nervous in large crowds. Blame it on my heavy Scorpio influence, I guess.

There used to be an excellent online quiz about which sign you are most attracted to, and for the life of me I cannot find it anywhere anymore. When I took it, the results for me were Aries with flying colors (which makes sense, as my boyfriend is an Aries and the only other boyfriend I had before him was an Aries too). The closest I could find was one that matched you up with a specific element, but this one I took actually narrowed it down to one particular sign, and my results were dead-on. I'll keep looking for it, anyway.
Wow, just read the chart you sent me C! Only a few things I disagreed with, but overall, incredibly on point!!
You'll sacrifice anything in order to free yourself of such entrapment, and will cut ties with any person, place, or thing that threatens to bind you to such unpleasantness. You may actually have a distant relationship with your family due to such feelings of being stifled. Chart indicates a need to overcome religious or old-fashioned social conformity; resisting anything falling under the status quo. You have difficulties in dealing with anything that is orthodox or conventional; having almost a distaste or strong dislike for religion and tradition.

Yeah.. wow. Totally nail on head there. I was raised in a strict religious upbringing that I completely rebelled against in my teens, and I still hate religion of any sort, this has caused a distant relationship with my mom specifically.

You have a tendency to be so self-confident on the job that you can carry out tasks against all odds or obstacles; with little to no help or encouragement.

Haha! Oh the stories I could go on about this one!!
Sometimes you can attract friends that are considered "eccentric" or "strange", but you view all people equally and would never put any boundaries on them, just as you do not like any put upon you.

This has been true my entire life. I would wonder why when I was growing up and came to the same conclusion.

You must learn to live with---and from---your mistakes, and do your best not to repeat them; nor to judge or compare future relationships to those in the past.

Yeah, this has been an issue for me.

Chart indicates travel to foreign countries, and a desire to see the world.

LOL.. I mean come on. Did you giggle when you read this C, considering the timing especially? :lol:

Health-wise, you tend to be accident-prone; take special care of your head and face.

The only scar I have is on my nose from a grease burn. I've burned my face on two separate occasions with accidents involving hot grease.

Despite your strong willpower, you do have a strong inclination to be lazy sometimes, so be sure to work on that tendency to shift from throwing yourself into work to pushing yourself as far away from work as possible. Such obsessive behavior can lead to unhealthy addictions.

Incredibly true. I've always had a really obsessive personality..

Also, watch out for tendencies of obssessiveness, and the tendency to get so wound up in a project and being so single-minded that you neglect your health and well-being.

As far as what I don't agree with, the suggestions of working with the public and/or improving the conditions in poorer countries.. yeah not so much. Maybe that's something that could develop for me later in life. I'm not sure.

Anyway, Thanks so much C! This was amazing and a lot of fun to read! :D
^Yes, when doing charts, there are going to be some readings are going to have such a broad application, especially the readings with the outer planets (Uranus/Neptune/Pluto). I know that there have been many times when I have done charts for people close to me in age, and certain things that come up in their charts are things that appeared in my overall reading too. But it is usually generalities such as the ones that you brought up.

To try and explain this as succinctly as I can; the outer planets only shift signs once every several years (Uranus, about an average of 7 years; Neptune, about 10-14 years, and Pluto about 15 or so years). So these are more "generational" aspects than individual ones. They do have purpose and importance in the individual chart, but because these aspects are shared by nearly everyone in your age group (depending on when these particular shifts happen), most people your age might share some of these broader readings. They are the planets in your chart that represent your generation and the ways in which they are different from the ones who came before and those who will come after. (For example, I have Pluto in Libra, and many astrologers have credited our age group for "spearheading" the gay marriage movement because Pluto is the planet of transformation, breaking down old barriers, etc. So when its influence is felt in Libra, the sign of partnerships and marriage, the people in that age group tend to have radically different ideas about those things.)

And no, I never laugh when I do charts; I take them very seriously. :lol: It might seem impossible to do, especially when doing charts for friends or people I know, but I really do just try to let the data before me speak for itself. I try not to take into consideration who the person is at all, and let the information that comes up do all the work. I'm not sure if I'm explaining myself well enough.

Although I will say, considering you have already traveled more than I have, I wasn't surprised to see your chart pointing to travel on more than a few occasions. ;) Then again, coming back to the outer planets' readings; my chart says that because I have Neptune in Sagittarius, that I will also do a lot of traveling in my lifetime. I have barely made it out of the time zone! :lol:
Actually, for Libras, it's a little of both. Yes, they want to be made to feel special, but at least for the Libra woman, any man who insults her intelligence will never win her heart. She needs a guy she can go toe-to-toe with on the issues. Someone who loves her for her brains and her beauty (but always the first above the second!). I guess this is where Libra confuses people, because we are all about balance. We love to be taken care of in our relationships, but we also want to stand on our own. And as Air signs, we value intellectual compatibility above all else. We could love the ugliest person in the room, if that person had something intelligent to say.

Yes, yes, this is so true. Sadly, in my experience, being made to feel special seems to mean being regarded as someone who cannot stand on their own, as a special little snowflake that needs to be taken care of in every aspect and that just annoys me. I am a bit (OK, maybe more than a bit) emotionally cold and distant, I cannot be the affectionate, emotional type in relationships, right off the bat. I cannot get close to someone unless I feel they are intellectually comptaible and unless I feel I be myself around them in every way, so it takes a lot for me to really get close to someone in a relationship and I don't think enough people understand this. I guess I'm more about logic than feelings because feelings are confusing and I don't understand them.

Also, because Libra is a masculine sign ruled by a feminine planet, the men and women seem to "come out backwards", so to speak. Like the women are more outspoken and assertive, while the males are more sensitive and open with their feelings. So I have found that in my experience, a lot of times when a Libra wants to be a "pampered little snowflake", it's usually a Libra man more than a Libra woman! (I think this is why I have always been attracted to Aries men; I feel they're the only ones man enough to take me on!)

I don't think I've ever been attracted to an Aries man, lol. I have been attracted to Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio and Capricorn men though. XD

Now, this is not to say that Libra men are "sissies"; this is the advantage of every Libran, that we are misunderstood and oftentimes people just take us at face value, when there is more beneath the surface. Libra men are anything but soft, that's for sure! (But at least speaking for myself, I am a *very* strong personality, probably too much for a more typical Libra who might be more prone to sit on the fence and not want to "rock the boat".)

Heh, my mum's a Libra who likes to stir shit up. :p She just cannot keep quiet, even at the smallest of things that annoys her. I tend to think things through and then act on it, but I've often had times where I simply have no patience for people and their idiocy so I tell them. I have high standards for people and if they don't meet my standards, they will know, one way or another. :lol: I generally ignore people who I think are too stupid and narrow-minded to be reasoned with though; there's no reasoning with idiots who are willingly blind and ignorant.

I have also never fit under the typical astrological description of Libra; such as they are social people who need to always have people around them. I have always been happy enough in my own company and actually get nervous in large crowds. Blame it on my heavy Scorpio influence, I guess.

I do love to be around people, but I need just as much alone time. If I have been around people too much, I tend to just ignore all social responsibilities for a while, until I get sick of my own company. Yes, it's a cycle.

Any luck with finding that online quiz? :lol:
I think this is the quiz, since I just took it and the results were the same. But somehow I don't remember there being so few questions. But this is the closest one I could find, anyway.

This one didn't bring up the same results, but it seems a little bit more like the one I took a long time ago.

I remember the quiz was originally on Quizilla, so I think this is the one, even though it's on a different site now.