The Atheist Bus

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
Hey Dudes :)

What do you think about that?

And what do you think, is there a god? I think, no...we are so damn alone on this freaky fuckin Universe :) But I wanna thank the one who invented Beer. Good job, my friend :kickass: Cheers!
Stupid idea imo. A normal ad advertises something you might not know about, and compel you to buy it. Who's going to see this and go "Really? There's a possibility that God DOESN'T exist? Holy shit, I'm an atheist now."
Even as an atheist, I'm somewhat put off by this. I like the message, but it seems kind of hypocritical to me.

I mean, I get annoyed seeing Christian stuff everywhere I look (and for that reason I totally understand why they did it), but I can't get past the initial bad feeling that I have.
Richard Dawkins is trying to make a campaign like that.

If you are an atheist, but don't hate religion yet, then watch his "The Root of All Evil?" documentary.
I'm fine with it... I think there needs to be a serious anti-religion campaign, mainly because there's never been one before.


I think, it is a terrible thought for many people, that they could be "alone". But for the world´s peace, atheism would be the best choice imo. I´m a very tolerant man and I think each to his own, but an antithesis is not the worst thing. It´s a difficult and emotional theme. There is no final result, there are too many questions unanswered..maybe there is one power, but I don´t know it.
That ad on the bus is fake.
Anyone who thinks we are alone in the universe or close to alone is an ignorant and narrowminded person.
Anyone who thinks that religion should be taken seriously to the extend that he/she thinks it is not fictional has a mental disorder.
Religion is not difficult, it is just blinding the people and IMHO it should not be tolerated the way it influences most people.

And why should it be a terrible thought for people that maybe there isn't an afterlife? I think people who believe in heaven&hell let their lives be controlled by fear and do not cherish their life to the fullest extend because they let themselves be misguided through this imaginary bullshit fairytales.

Religion was used back then to fill that void of questions people had but since we have science and evolution (which is the best scientific explanation we have) religion should be dismissed as fiction without any exception. We cannot answer everything yet scientifically but it is simply highly improbable to believe in any deity and superpower skygods or anything the likes. Not every claim has to be proven by the scientific community just because someone claims something, it is just common sense and rational to be under the impression that there is no god. We cannot exclude it 100% but we cannot exclude that there might be pink invisible unicors either or for that matter the flying spaghetti monster...

"I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world."
Richard Dawkins
That ad on the bus is fake.

I'm afraid it isn't.

The campaign has been going on for a while. I agree with the rest of your post though.

I think it's great idea, purely from the point of view that if you are allowed to advertise God, an idea which is FAR from proven, then why not advertise No-god.

Furthermore it says, "there probably isn't a god". As opposed to definitely isn't a god, thus being at least open to the idea that there might be. Whereas Religious organizations actually sell the idea of God/Jesus/Allah etc as if it is a DEFINITE existing entity.

I don’t think the campaign was actually set up to promote aetheism though. I have a feeling it was more to generate a reaction from religious bodies, and their hilarious ensuing hypocrisy by claiming the advertisement to be “offensive”, when all it is suggesting is an equally if not more valid opinion on the questionable existence of god.
by the way, the italian version is more aggressive than the english one, I think many will be pissed off.
Personally I'm agnostic so I don't care if god exists or not, but it's stupid to act like all those fucking religious persons advertising god.
I mean we don't care about god and so why I should see that shit on a bus?
As long people will talk about god there won't be end to all of this.
Better ignoring all these religion shit: catholic/muslim/protestant and so on
What makes an Atheist any better than a Christian, if he/she decides to show off an advertisement to redeem them self or be prideful of their belief? Why can't everyone just fuckin hold their beliefs to themselves and stop spitting fire down everyone's throats?! Sorry, but I feel that for the most part Atheist and Christians are both the most prideful people you come across. Extreme opposites always wanting to fight in arguments that go nowhere. Why would there to need to be more anti-religious campaigns if you can't buy into religious campaigns? They won't buy yours.. Guaranteed. Put a member of PETA and the NRA in the same room and watch them go. It looks like a bunch of immature babies who can't grow up and accept that people have different beliefs. That's what this battle looks like. BTW I'm Deist. (Go ahead waste your time an tell me why Deism is stupid :Smug:) Take Care! ;)
Personally I don't see the need for this campaign. The reason being that I feel people should explore and analyse everything for themselves. This message here tries to bluntly state that it is pointless worrying about God, which, in my eyes, could lead to many careless and unstable people who would be influenced by this to turn to a more hedonistic approach to life. Instead of 'enlightening' people, this campaign will only serve to either cause a rancour amongst the religious communities, befuddle younger people who are still learning about religion further than they already are and turn psychotic individuals into more psychotic individuals.

Personally, I don't see the point. It is as if atheism is some kind of a fad. Will this turn it into the IN thing? In my opinion, a person must really process and come to a long drawn conclusion before he can pronounce himself an atheist (like I eventually did). There must be a concrete reason, even though at the end of the day it is quite easy to comprehend why such a conclusion has been drawn....(it's been discussed countless of times so you all know what I mean).

I read this quote somewhere by Ralph Waldo Emerson where he said, "Every Stoic was a Stoic but where in Christendom are the Christians?"

I believe that the same goes for true Atheists. Their minds have been made and they have stolidly stuck to their beliefs because they have been convinced and have further convinced themselves. I find that this campaign belittles the idea of thinking for yourself, which is exactly what every school or institution which enforces religion is doing and any religious group who advertises publicly. I shall bring Christians up because they have been used in this quote and I too have been brought up a Christian until I decided for myself in my early teen years. I feel that if you had to ask a Christian what makes them so, most of them will reply simply with what they have been fed and in truth do not practice its values. Yes, I see it all around me.

Why resort to the same means if those means are deplorable? Next thing you know you've got twelve year old kids on every street corner doing all the shit they feel like because they "know" there is no god. Why? you may ask them; because they saw it on the side of a bus.