knows what you think.
What makes an Atheist any better than a Christian, if he/she decides to show off an advertisement to redeem them self or be prideful of their belief? Why can't everyone just fuckin hold their beliefs to themselves and stop spitting fire down everyone's throats?! Sorry, but I feel that for the most part Atheist and Christians are both the most prideful people you come across. Extreme opposites always wanting to fight in arguments that go nowhere. Why would there to need to be more anti-religious campaigns if you can't buy into religious campaigns? They won't buy yours.. Guaranteed. Put a member of PETA and the NRA in the same room and watch them go. It looks like a bunch of immature babies who can't grow up and accept that people have different beliefs. That's what this battle looks like. BTW I'm Deist. (Go ahead waste your time an tell me why Deism is stupid :SmugTake Care!
It is people like you who motivate me and make me go out and a least try to show them a perspective that is much more uplifting and logical.
If you want to be ignorant, fine. I do not see why I should respect the view of people who do not seem to care for a better world. I feel offended by them. They're unnecessarily limiting themselves and don't want to use their brains, why would that be good? Certainly, it doesn't have to be bad in all cases but it is irrational and completely superfluous. Just like homeopathy and believing in supernatural powers. Agnostic atheism is the next logical step to raise our consciousness. Those who believe atheists are just trying to get their point across have no idea what they're talking about. Atheism is not a religion! So is evolution not a theory but a theory of the most accurate facts we have nowadays and it is refined on a daily basis.
Anybody who ignores that and disagrees with that I cannot respect intellectually. If you want to believe what you want believe, that's fine. But keep your mental disorder to yourself, atheists need to come forward and defend the sanity of the human mind.