The Atheist Bus

JBRoll, hmm, I don't think I was trying to "answer" anything with my post really. Yes I assume that Big Bang has to be created, a lot of people do. I could also assume it was never created... but wait, there's a problem. Human logic loves beginnings and endings. I simply just can't understand how the Big Bang was never _created_, and I can't understand how it has been in existance for no reason for all this "time". I know time is not the correct thing to use here... and I know that is my problem and I know that you know much more about physics and time than me, which is why it isn't so strange to you when you say that Big Bang doesn't have had to be created in the first place.

And something entirely different: I think a good way to live, if you don't believe in anything higher than yourself, is to atleast be open to anything and just "wait". If nothing "supernatural" happens in your life, if you don't find "God" etc. then fine, atleast you were open for it and didn't close yourself in. That's sort of what I'm doing, I'm not rejecting anything but I'm just not jumping into something because I read it on the net. I just fuck it and let it roll, whatever happens happens.... I can't do much about that :)
Another question...isn't like energy eternal?

Well uh... you can't destroy energy as in "making it go away forever without leaving a single trace", but I'm not sure if that has to mean that it has always existed for an eternity. Since time being considered a dimension, and Big Bang being the "beginning" for it, I'm not sure how you would define eternity anymore. If eternity = from Big Bang and after, sure... energy should exist eternally unless the universe takes another turn and does something awkward... I dunno, I know nothing about this really haha.
Well, there you get the problem of a faulty assumption even if it seems to be 'logical' - wondering where the universe "came from" is inherently flawed since it assumes it was somewhere else to begin with... it's weird to leave behind the assumption that everything needed to be created, but it's necessary. This stuff is weird to deal with at first, and requires more maturity than most other subjects do.

Yeah, I have one that's been sitting around for a while... probably will be, too, until I find the money for a new guitar - I'm thinking something ash-bodied, 85 in the bridge and the 81 in the neck.

Hahaha :) I guess this is a very progressive thread?

Progressive thread metal: Where the lyrics are about busses in the first few lines, then suddenly switch to the universe, only to land on the ultimate topic of guitar pickups!

I'm so gonna start this new genre. Totally random lyrics!

Hahahaha :lol: Let´s go back to topic..I feel responsible for that. Do you like busses?