The Band Survivor

It was about time you changed it Hearse! :eek:)

Now it's more fair, though I hate seeing
Vintersorg go :eek:(

Oh well, Vintersorg did good, I'm just hoping
they'd stay a bit longer :eek:)

But, no votes for Borknagar yet! ;o)))
Originally posted by Phyros
Thank you for ripping my heart in millions of parts. :cry:

Awwwww!!! :eek:((((

That was not my intention, I just wanted you all
to know that Vintersorg actually survived! Now,
go and do the same thing that Hearse did, vote
Vintersorg, become a bitter man! >:eek:)

Looks like it'll be a fight between Anathema and
Vintersorg this time....

*Offers Phyros a hug* "If you still want one?" :eek:)

ok, I belive you... And the hug did help... But I would never vote Vintersorg, because he is equally good... The bands that are left all sucks in comparison (EoS are good, Borknagar too, but now all I can do is hope for Vintersorg...) I don´t vote anymore, wouldn´t be fair since I don´t know the other bands... And I don´t vote for bands I haven´t heard of, and I can´t vote for the ones I have heard of... Seems I have painted myself in a corner, thus no Votes!
