The Band Survivor

Actually, that's why I was kinda wishing that Hearse wouldn't post updates, so people would vote more on who they wanted to vote for rather than the "political" shit. But I digress.

from what, I don't know, but I digress.

A week ago the high was maybe 45 degF. It's 88 right now.

crazy shit.
DWD, you didn't have to talk to your counselor because of the shirt, did you? I'd be mighty pissed if that were the way of things. Anyway, if they bug you again about that, have 'em give me a call. I'll straighten out about good music. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh dear god that'd be funny. "You just don't understand Fear Factory and the whole genre of metal. Why don't you call this one guy I know off the net. He'll explain it all to you." :lol: :lol: :lol: See how fast that gets you to the psychiatrist.

oh man, I kill myself. No, not literally.

Anyway, the AC worked in my half of the building. The other (larger) half was suffering though.
Originally posted by The Nomad
DWD, you didn't have to talk to your counselor because of the shirt, did you? I'd be mighty pissed if that were the way of things. Anyway, if they bug you again about that, have 'em give me a call. I'll straighten out about good music. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh dear god that'd be funny. "You just don't understand Fear Factory and the whole genre of metal. Why don't you call this one guy I know off the net. He'll explain it all to you." :lol: :lol: :lol: See how fast that gets you to the psychiatrist.

oh man, I kill myself. No, not literally.

Anyway, the AC worked in my half of the building. The other (larger) half was suffering though.

Sadly enough, it is because of the shirt. They thought because it said Fear Factory that it was somehow evil. Don't ask me how. They told me that cloning is bad (It says "Cloning Technology" on the back.) That'd be great if they called you after I said that. And I probably would go to a psychiatrist. You kill me too. :lol: That's good that the AC worked.
Originally posted by DeadWinterDead
Sadly enough, it is because of the shirt. They thought because it said Fear Factory that it was somehow evil.
:eek: does ppl react at things like that?!?!
wonder how they would have reacted if I went at that school with my Samael - Worship Him longsleev, that one IS evil :D
Originally posted by DeadWinterDead

Sadly enough, it is because of the shirt. They thought because it said Fear Factory that it was somehow evil. Don't ask me how. They told me that cloning is bad (It says "Cloning Technology" on the back.) That'd be great if they called you after I said that. And I probably would go to a psychiatrist. You kill me too. :lol: That's good that the AC worked.

Sorry to say this, but - ARE THE PPL AT YOUR SCHOOL GENUINELY THAT IGNORANT AND _IN_TOLERANT?????????? Gosh..... Fuck, if anyone ever reacted like that because of what I was wearing, I'd fucking knock them down! And hell, I'm not fucking kidding, I do have some of a temper. (I had one teacher almost slap me because of my temper once, hehe. But afterward the teacher really did show me some respect!) :devil:
Originally posted by HellSpawn

:eek: does ppl react at things like that?!?!
wonder how they would have reacted if I went at that school with my Samael - Worship Him longsleev, that one IS evil :D

Yeah, it's stupid.

They didn't like it when I wore my Cradle of Filth shirt that says "Touched by Jesus" on the front; and on the back it says "Fingered by God"... They sent me home for that one. I had a good laugh though. And my mom made me sell the shirt.
They sent you home???? This is just unbelievable! Don't think anyone would ever do that here. A guy in my class at highschool (or whatever it would resemble) wore a shirt with the text "Kill the christians" on once. Some looked at him a bit silly, some annoyed, but he would never have been sent home, or "punished" in any way for it. It was just a guy that became very offended, and tried to start a fight. He was the one that the teachers had to talk to.

But why is that, really? That the ppl there treacts in such a way, I mean. Are all of them christians or smth? It seems pretty pathetic to me! :rolleyes:
Originally posted by DeadWinterDead
They didn't like it when I wore my Cradle of Filth shirt that says "Touched by Jesus" on the front; and on the back it says "Fingered by God"... They sent me home for that one. I had a good laugh though. And my mom made me sell the shirt.

Well that one's verging on pornography. Which is ok for you to wear, but I agree that it's not appropriate for school. But most metal shirts are...
Well, I still think it's silly......... I don't see that there's anything about school that indicates that there is a special way students should dress - or _not_ dress, for that matter. These reactions makes it seem like being at that school is smth solemn. And, well, being at a school should not be very solemn. It's just silly!

Instead of refusing someone to wear smth, they should rather ask why the person wear this; what is it about; what is it that the person likes about this - and the person wearing the "illegal" piece of cloth, could explain what it was all about, and "enlighten" the others a bit - but to just refuse someone to _wear_ something?? Who can it possibly hurt??

I just think that adult ppl should manage to react in a different way about smth like this.
Fjell, school doesn't have to be solemn, in term of dress, but there should be some limits on decency. For most other free speech issues, one of the major arguments is that other people can just turn it off or whatnot. But that isn't applicable at school since attendance is mandatory.
See what you mean, but in my eyes, if one can wear smth somewhere (outside one's own home, that is), then I don't see the problem with wearing it in school if you want to. (As long as it isn't meant to offend someone especially)

For a shirt like that; I wouldn't wear it at all, not even at home. If I did, though, I could wear it at school as well.

But hell, it's not like this is some important matter to me, or anything. It's just what I think about it.
That's a reasonable way for reasonable to act, but what is appropriate for different people to wear at home is quite variable, and if I was a parent, I'd be wary of having my kid(s) being exposed to some of that.

I'd say more, but I have to type one-handed still, and it's about 10 times slower than my usual rate.