The Beatles

as affinity said. The Beatles are still years ahead of the bands nowadays.

The beatles covered so much ground in their 10 years or so as a band. Pop, Progressive Rock, Proto-hardrock, Psychedelia. I dont see whats not to like about The Beatles. I love Sabbath, Zeppelin,Metallica, Priest, and Maiden. The beatles are right up there to me with them, and i listen to them just as much as say a sabbath record. The Beatles had a vision, they created art.

Yes, it is a bit shocking to me that there are people saying The Beatles are over-rated or any non sense garbage like that. I mean, people here on this board listen to Riverside, Orphaned land, and Dragonforce yet say " well i dont really like the beatles that much" its pretty pathetic if you ask me.

imo of course.
DEMIgOD said:
LOL, negitive comments on the beatles.. this board is beyond help.


And believe it or not, not everyone has to have the same opinion and regardless of how influential or universally praised a band is, it still doesn't mean you have to like them. I don't care for the Beatles either. Or the Stones for that matter (I only like their new'ish albums and not their classics).
DEMIgOD said:
The beatles covered so much ground in their 10 years or so as a band. Pop, Progressive Rock, Proto-hardrock, Psychedelia. I dont see whats not to like about The Beatles. I love Sabbath, Zeppelin, Metallica, Priest, and Maiden. The beatles are right up there to me with them, and i listen to them just as much as say a sabbath record. The Beatles had a vision, they created art.

True, I like Nirvana quite a lot but ranking them up there with any of the bands in the quote is perverse.

DEMIgOD said:
Yes, it is a bit shocking to me that there are people saying The Beatles are over-rated or any non sense garbage like that. I mean, people here on this board listen to Riverside, Orphaned land, and Dragonforce yet say " well i dont really like the beatles that much" its pretty pathetic if you ask me.

It's not like someone is a muppet for not liking the Beatles much, although if someone thinks they're irrelevant or insignificant then they definitely are!
affinityband said:
Overrated, hell no. The Beatles are still years ahead of even todays bands.

I see both your arguments and I can understand both.

Beatles over rated? Sometimes, but there again what they were doing between '65 and '69 was simply years ahead of it's time in terms of mainstream music. We're looking at the like of Rubber Soul, Revolver, Seargent Pepper's and the White Albuim, these are essentials for any record collection.

On the otherhand, if you care to educate yourself, there were band around at the same time and even before who were doing similar or ever more far out things in music. The Shadows were making very similar muisic to the Beatles first few albums in '59, Love were making there first albums in 63', similar to The Beatles '65 to '69 era and at least two years before. Throw in The Beach Boys for good measure if you wish.

The Who were rocking out harder in '64 just a year after The Beatles hit the scene as were The Yardbirds and The Kinks. Even The Stones, who some of you know I'm not fan of were writing the like of "I Just to Want to Make Love to You" whilst the Beatles were writing "I Wanna Hold Your Hand", so if we want to talk about pushing social boundaries, again The Beatles simply weren't on the map.

And as the years drew on more band appeared which pushed further than The Beatles had are ever would, Spirit, The Doors, The Grateful Dead, Pink Floyd. And a lot of these band had taken only as much influence from the Beatles as they had other bands of the era.

The Beatles are made out as this uber band who without which music today simply wouldn't exist! It simply isn't true, they were huge and their music is important, higely important, but people forget about other hugely important bands because they simply didn't meet with as much success. Arugeably this is because they pushed farther than the Beatles and did it earlier when peope simply weren't ready.

This happened before The Beatles, Muddy Waters, it happened after the Beatles, Throbbing Gristle were recording their earliest E.P's at the time when Pink Floyd were still considered progressive. It will happen again, perhaps Opeth's lack of commercial success is even an example of this. People simply aren't ready.

So my point is enjoy The Beatles, you should, their music is amazing, but don't think that just because they're the only band you know of to have done what they did at their time, that they didn't have contemporaries! Their bands your can't even begin to imagine which were doing what The Beatles did, better, bigger, earlier and with more of a "Fuck You!" attitude to the mainstream.
DEMIgOD said:
I mean, people here on this board listen to Riverside, Orphaned land, and Dragonforce yet say " well i dont really like the beatles that much" its pretty pathetic if you ask me.

I don't listen to any of those bands.

I said the Beatles were influential, I agree with affinityband when he says they are ahead of many of todays bands. But have you seen how far up their arses some of the people here (and elsewhere) are? This is what I mean by overrated, because too many people cream themselves over the albums as if no other music would exist were it not for them.

I don't enjoy their music as much as you. Oh shit that must mean I'm a horrible person with stupid values right? No, it just means I prefer different music from you, and alot of others seemingly. Anyways.. i really didnt want to get into this but you got the complete wrong idea of what sort of taste in music I have. I only listen to 4 or 5 metal bands, and none of it is Dragonforce or any other stupid bullshit like that. Thanks.
I haven't seen any comments yet in the vein of The Beatles are the be all end all fo music. I think you guys are having are cry over nothing..
I like lots of other bands from the same period, I don't think the beatles were the only ones out there at the time doing that sorta shit...

Maybe some people here have to realize that sometimes a band has the sort of legacy they do for a reason...
I don't care about a band's legacy, I listen to music that interests me. The Beatles doesn't interest me. Call it my loss if you wish.
Benighted1 said:
I haven't seen any comments yet in the vein of The Beatles are the be all end all fo music. I think you guys are having are cry over nothing..
I like lots of other bands from the same period, I don't think the beatles were the only ones out there at the time doing that sorta shit...

Maybe some people here have to realize that sometimes a band has the sort of legacy they do for a reason...

its a defense mechanism really. people who dont care for the beatles typically react to those who are big fans by claiming theyre overrated to deal with the fact that they cant share the interest and are missing out.
NineFeetUnderground said:
its a defense mechanism really. people who dont care for the beatles typically react to those who are big fans by claiming theyre overrated to deal with the fact that they cant share the interest and are missing out.

Yea exactly
NineFeetUnderground said:
its a defense mechanism really. people who dont care for the beatles typically react to those who are big fans by claiming theyre overrated to deal with the fact that they cant share the interest and are missing out.

Bollocks. I say they are overrated because I don't think their music should be rated as highly as a huge majority does. I don't care that I'm missing out on this wonderful magical experience, I have no interest in it at all. It's my opinion, let me and any others who might share my opinion keep it and don't make strange assumptions of how I deal with my lack of interest in their music.
daz436 said:
Bollocks. I say they are overrated because I don't think their music should be rated as highly as a huge majority does. I don't care that I'm missing out on this wonderful magical experience, I have no interest in it at all. It's my opinion, let me and any others who might share my opinion keep it and don't make strange assumptions of how I deal with my lack of interest in their music.

im not trying to change your opinion, like i implied earlier...its your loss. im merely expressing the warped psychology behind that mindset.