The Billiards Thread


Fuck of Death
Nov 9, 2007
Peoria, Illinois
It's a long shot, but I figured I'd make this thread on the off chance that anyone here plays any sort of pocket billiards, be it pool or snooker. I picked up a cue for the first time about a year and a half ago, and around six months in I became serious and obsessed to an almost unhealthy degree.

Anyway, feel free to discuss your favorite games (one-pocket all day, even though I suck at it), players, local leagues/action spots/tournaments/etc.
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I love playing what ever you call normal pub pool, especially when drunk and listening to metal. My Dad taught me how to hold a cue properly when I was a kid and I can pull out some crazy shots but I'm the most inconsistent player ever. I'd love to have a table at home.
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Oh, absolutely. Booze, metal, and pool is a wonderful combination. My friend has a table in his basement, and we routinely split a 30-pack, pull up a Slayer Spotify playlist, and shoot until 9-10 AM. I would kill to have a table in my basement.

And yeah, things like forming a proper bridge, stance, and other fundamentals are far and away the most crucial aspect of the game. Learning to break bad habits that you typically adapt when first learning to play is probably the biggest issue for pretty much anyone. I'm still working on that.
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On another note, Efren Reyes is easily my favorite player of all time, but I'd put Shane up against any player in the world that's active right now. He's fucking unstoppable.
if you were counting it as a sport (i don't really but w/e) it's probably my third favourite to watch these days, it's become completely exhilarating since the PDC started getting big. people still associate it with the depressing image of sweaty fat drunk guys playing real slow in front of quiet crowds, but it's so much more entertaining now. admittedly i've only watched a bit of pool so i can't make a legit comparison. i've watched tons of snooker though, snooker can be pretty fascinating on a cerebral level but it's rarely very exciting (i know someone will reference the '85 final in response to this but there aren't exactly tons of examples of games like that).
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Can confirm that darts > pool.

I'm shit at pool but I'll still get into it if I have been drinking. If I had to rate my skills out of ten I would say 3/10 sober, 5/10 drunk or buzzed.
Can't take pool much seriously but man I love Snooker. A lot of kids play it where I live. Lately I haven't had the time to play as much but here's a lil vid of me playing it just for fun:

Good shooting. That cross-bank in particular is a hell of a shot on a snooker table.

I've always found the unavoidable quibbling between snooker fans and pool fans quite silly. They're completely different disciplines. If you watch Ronnie play a master like Earl Strickland, Strickland will destroy O'Sullivan. But if you send a world-class pool player to play snooker, they might compete halfway decently in a few major tournaments, but won't stand a chance. Like I said, two completely different games.

I've not so much as played darts once in my life, but the few matches I've watched on Youtube have been interesting. I'd like to learn more about it.
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ronnie actually did enter a few pool tournaments, did he not?

this was probs my favourite match of the latest world darts champs. aging semi-washed up legend vs. the world number 1/biggest phenomenon since phil taylor. i couldn't sleep afterwards i was so excited haha.
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Off the top of my head, I think Ronnie played on Team Europe for the Mosconi Cup in the 90s twice, where he played fine, but Team Europe ultimately lost both years. I sort of hate the Mosconi Cup because it's a publicity-based shitshow that turns world-class players into bangers and reinforces every negative stereotype about the game. But take this match against Johnny Archer, for instance. Archer is a great player, but is way past his prime and arguably not even among the top 20 shots in the pool world right now. Still O'Sullivan flounders at crucial moments, and I would argue it's because he's used to playing snooker; and as I said, pool and snooker exist in entirely different spheres of strategy. Put Archer on a snooker table against O'Sullivan, however; it would be a fine bit of comedy, I'm sure.

Watched a bit of that darts match you linked. I'm intrigued by the strategy of 501. Is the most rudimentary approach to attempt to score 180 a couple of times and then gauge what to shoot for based on the opposing player's score? I feel like here has to be something more nuanced to it than that. I also don't know if there are certain areas of the dartboard that are more difficult to successfully hit than others, so that may play a factor.
Furthermore, I saw you mentioned the cerebral nature of snooker. I may be speaking out of ignorance given my limited exposure to the snooker world, but a well-played rack of one-pocket is about as close to a chess game in the billiards world as you'll get, in my opinion. It's a game that's virtually unknown to anyone outside of those entrenched in the world of pool (I have to drive three hours just to find a pool hall where it's even played, and I live in one of the most active areas for pool in the country), and it's a damn shame.