The Books/Reading Thread


For my American Novel class. Racism rules.

Last book I read! The Discworld series by Terry Pratchett is amzing, I love those books! It was supposed to mock regular fantasy books at the beginning, but now the parallel world of the disworld serves to quite sophisticatedly criticise our world. This can be read as a standalone, but I would not recommend it, you don't get many crossreferences and the previous books are to good to be neglected :)
I've never read any of Robinson's work, but I've heard good things. A few books of theory that I've read actually mention her material and analyze it to some extent.

Welcome back, by the way. :cool:

It's extremely well put together. It manages to get very detailed on the scientific aspects without being overbearing, touches on a broad range of personal relationships and philosophical/political viewpoints, and even when nothing is going on it keeps your attention. Recommended.
zabu of nΩd;10043425 said:
What is this about? Is it interesting/relevant-to-the-present or just hokey old-timey shit?

It's based on historical events that happened in a town in North Carolina of a White Supremacist uprising. It's definitely very interesting and relevant. It's filled with ironies and stupidity, plus plenty use of the phrase "kill da my pals." It reads really quickly as well. I remember thinking that I wasn't going to be able to do 100 pages every couple of days, but it just flew by.
all I've read by Chesnutt was "The Goophered Grapevine" which was interesting especially when looking at Disney's infamous "Song of the South"
It's based on historical events that happened in a town in North Carolina of a White Supremacist uprising. It's definitely very interesting and relevant. It's filled with ironies and stupidity, plus plenty use of the phrase "kill da my pals." It reads really quickly as well. I remember thinking that I wasn't going to be able to do 100 pages every couple of days, but it just flew by.

what makes it relevant? if you mean to say the ironies and stupidity do, i'd like to hear the reasoning.
That's the theory here yes.

If there were any important historical relic I'd steal just so I could study it, it would be the Ark of the Covenant. Only really because the way it's described in the Zohar makes it sound like some kind of nuclear reactor.