I was reading Three Faces of Fascism: Action Francaise, Italian Fascism, National Socialism by Ernst Nolte while I was riding the trains around Spain. I stopped reading it though, because I have a hard time getting through serious historical texts. Maybe it's the way historians tend to write, or maybe it's that they're constantly throwing discrete fact after discrete fact at you so that after a while it just becomes an information overload. I guess my thinking style is too abstract to really get a ton of enjoyment out of that sort of stuff.
So I've decided to start rereading this:
I am a fast reader, which isn't necessarily a boon when reading more complex writings. It's great for burning through the Game of Thrones though. When I read fiction its more like a movie going on in my head, whereas a more technical script can't do that.Ha! I definitely feel like I'm a slower than average reader. The proportion of my free time that I spend reading is seriously disappointing to me though.
I thought it got a reissue?
On deck:
Oh. I'm also about half way through this.
It's pretty good I guess. And I love science fiction, both hard and soft (tihihihi), but I kinda lost all impetus, and it's not really the kinda book I can easily carry around for reading on public transport and shit so yeah. Might just give up on it for long enough that I forget most of what's happened and start from the beginning in a few years.
About 2/3 of the way done with ADWD. Is it just me or does it almost seem like George completely changed his mind over where he wanted the story to go in the last 6 years?
Have you enjoyed the series? I finished the first two books and enjoyed them, but gave up on it unfortunately.
It's worth it if you can push through to the end. It's not fabulously written or anything, but it's certainly a genre bender.