The Books/Reading Thread

No, I was quoting Seinfeld bro.

Oh sorry, I haven't watched Seinfeld much so I didn't know. Anyway, to answer the question, war is good for corporations out to make a profit and governments out to instill a greater sense of unity and loyalty among their citizens - the Afghanistan invasion is a good example of the latter, and the Iraq war is good example of the former. History is replete with examples of this though, just go read the book.

I'm sure Overwatch would be glad to know (might even masturbate on the spot) that weapons corporations are obviously the ones that benefit most from war - this is, after all, a kid who believes that America (and probably the world) would be better off if everyone carried (at least) one gun at all times. Way to buy into corporate fear-mongering propoganda with a view to increase profitabillity on the domestic level - and you certainly can't be much more ignorant than being a corporation's biyutch... :rolleyes:
nor a more stupid looking cover for a book. :lol:

It's meant to look stupid, or at least to highlight the stupidity of holding hands and singing songs in favor of smashing people half a world away into chunk of meats. I bet they wouldn't be looking so peaceful if the body parts of all the hundreds of thousands of innocent civillians killed in Iraq and Afghanistan starting raining down on their heads. Interestingly, the international version of this book just had a plain black cover...
Oh sorry, I haven't watched Seinfeld much so I didn't know. Anyway, to answer the question, war is good for corporations out to make a profit and governments out to instill a greater sense of unity and loyalty among their citizens - the Afghanistan invasion is a good example of the latter, and the Iraq war is good example of the former. History is replete with examples of this though, just go read the book.

All this is both correct and elementary.

BTW, all wars are great examples of both dynamics.

I'm sure Overwatch would be glad to know (might even masturbate on the spot) that weapons corporations are obviously the ones that benefit most from war - this is, after all, a kid who believes that America (and probably the world) would be better off if everyone carried (at least) one gun at all times. Way to buy into corporate fear-mongering propoganda with a view to increase profitabillity on the domestic level - and you certainly can't be much more ignorant than being a corporation's biyutch... :rolleyes:

This from the troll who thinks those same governments and corporations (rather redundant, governments are corporations) should be the only one with the guns. :rolleyes:

Also, don't even try to lump say, Smith and Wesson in with Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, BAE, etc. Completely different levels. It's like lumping in the guy who builds PCs for friends in his basement with Dell and HP as "computer corporations".
Nick Land is freaking me out.

I've read the introduction and about five of the essays from his collected works, and I'm amazed by how similar some of his ideas are to my own theories of materialism; but they're way more substantial and fleshed out. This guy is on another level.

Several of the essays are also a weird combination of SF narrative, Lovecraftian occult, cyber-jargon and philosophical positioning; they're basically fictions, or what Land calls "hyperstitions." Definitely flies in the face of traditional Western philosophy.

sounds interesting. will definitely look into it. A buddy of mine came by and dropped off Neal Stephenson's Reamde. Hopefully it's good. Snow Crash and Cryptonomicon are some of my favorite books, but I feel like The Baroque Cycle started his path down uh longwindedness
All this is both correct and elementary.

BTW, all wars are great examples of both dynamics.

This from the troll who thinks those same governments and corporations (rather redundant, governments are corporations) should be the only one with the guns. :rolleyes:

Also, don't even try to lump say, Smith and Wesson in with Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, BAE, etc. Completely different levels. It's like lumping in the guy who builds PCs for friends in his basement with Dell and HP as "computer corporations".

a) I never said that governments should be the only ones with guns, I said that the only civilians who should be allowed to carry guns are the ones who need it for their jobs, such as hunters and bodyguards. This is a perfectly viable and succesful model of society that is implemented in most countries around the world, with the U.S. being one of the very few countries in the world that allows any and all civilians to buy as many guns whenever they want without any reason or justification - with the reason being that lawmakers are in the pockets of the gun companies. Clearly more guns doesn't result in a safer society or the U.S. would be the safest country in the world, when in fact it is by far the most dangerous first world country out there, with more than half of all murders and a considerable proportion of all violent crime occurring with a gun involved.

b) Are you really still trying to go down that path of "We need guns to resist and violently overthrow the U.S. government if it ever becomes an oppressive dictatorship"? Firstly, the chances of the U.S. ever becoming a totalitarian dictatorship are incredibly miniscule, and secondly, do you really think some rednecks with hunting rifles will be able to resist a government armed with tanks, jets, attack helicopters, battleships, and nuclear submarines? This idiotic idea may have held some water several hundred years ago when the law about gun possession as a right was drafted, but it's completely meaningless nowadays. However, that doesn't stop gun companies (via the NRA) from pedalling that same fear-mongering idiotic conspiracy theories to the ignorant masses, who eat up that brainless shit faster than anything deep-fried at a redneck gathering.

c) Are you seriously trying to belittle the profitabillity and extent of the private gun industry in the U.S.A.? We're talking about billions of dollars here (check online if you don't believe me), and it's hardly akin to "some kids building computers in the basement." Here's an article about how the gun industry has been boosting profit through sales of assault weapons - the kind most commonly used in mass shootings:
I take it you're not familiar with Carl Sagan? Accenting "billions" was his thing. I don't want to spam up this thread. Move it to the Gun Master Debate.

edit: And don't say "son." You're not black, you're the token white guy in some Asian country.