The Books/Reading Thread

The Andromeda Strain was awesome. I had to read it for sophomore year biology class. The movie was pretty cool as well; kept true to the book.
I liked how realistic it all was, taking a seemingly bullshit idea and making scientific sense of it. And it does raise a credible issue of interstellar infection.
Mathiäs;6816145 said:
I read Ilium. I was not impressed at all. I, like you, thought it would be excellent.

I just finished this a few days ago, I thought it was quite good, great even but I am no sci-fi connoisseur. Why didn't you like it? It was better than Hyperion IMO, even though Hyperion had a very interesting structure of six stories within a story I just found the concept as a whole more intriguing in Ilium.

Unfortunately too many unanswerable questions remain at the end of the book (Ilium), hopefully Olympos can tie these up satisfactorily because depending on the legitimacy of the reason for much of the narrative logic and progression in Ilium will factor in greatly in my evaluation of the duology as a whole.
Dug up a certain 'Sword of Shannara' by Terry Brooks today. I'll start it tonight, having just finished 'Eisenhorn' by Dan Abnett.

God damn the Black Library stuff is good.
I just finished this a few days ago, I thought it was quite good, great even but I am no sci-fi connoisseur. Why didn't you like it? It was better than Hyperion IMO, even though Hyperion had a very interesting structure of six stories within a story I just found the concept as a whole more intriguing in Ilium.

Unfortunately too many unanswerable questions remain at the end of the book (Ilium), hopefully Olympos can tie these up satisfactorily because depending on the legitimacy of the reason for much of the narrative logic and progression in Ilium will factor in greatly in my evaluation of the duology as a whole.

It really bored me. It seemed dull and really drug-out. The concept is great, but I just thought it wasn't executed very well. I was also annoyed by the failure to tie up the loose ends.

I'm not reading anything right now. I need to head down to Borders and get something.
Dug up a certain 'Sword of Shannara' by Terry Brooks today.

That guys books pwn. I recently finished Sandworms of Dune. Pretty epic.
Also Ive been reading The Count of Monte Cristo for a world lit class, that book is really hard to follow. I read the Three Musketeers on my own time and that has a really good rereading value to it, but I doubt I'll ever touch this book again. What Alexandre was thinking when he wrote this I'll never know.
Dug up a certain 'Sword of Shannara' by Terry Brooks today.

Fucking Ace man, I'm currently reading The Wishsong of Shannara. I didn't really think The Elfstones of Shannara was that great, it was alright, but nowhere near the greatness of The Sword of Shannara
Read the first 100 pages or so. Goddamn good book, really well written and will probably turn out to be as 3p1c as fook, but I was struck by the similarity to Lord of the Rings. OK, so the innocent young man and his faithful companion fleeing from their safe and peaceful vale at the bidding of a legendary mystic to seek the assistance of a man who can only be described as a ranger are a bit taller, and they're actually seeking something rather than trying to stop it being sought, but there is nevertheless an evil being of immeasurable power long thought dead, an epic journey (which they've only just started on, so I don't want to hear any more of it) and an item which is anathema to said powerful being.
Then again, I found the LotR novels a tedious read, so its nice to have them paraphrased with the odd plot twist.
It is very LoTR-ish, but nonetheless an amazing read, and gets less like LoTR as one reads on. Great book anyhow.
Mathiäs;6843026 said:
It really bored me. It seemed dull and really drug-out. The concept is great, but I just thought it wasn't executed very well. I was also annoyed by the failure to tie up the loose ends.

I'm not reading anything right now. I need to head down to Borders and get something.

I agree somewhat that it was a bit too drawn out for its own good but it didn't kill it for me, because the I found the build-up particularly interesting (especially with the discussions surrounding Proust and Shakespeare) and ending of the book is pretty epic so it is quite rewarding. Also, you do realize that it was only meant to be the first book of a two book 'series' right? Olympos is the second book and picks up some months after the end of Ilium. I haven't read it all yet (barely started) but it doesn't seem to waste much time to connect the Earth story with what is going on Mars/Ancient Earth (which was what was really missing from Ilium).
My copy of George R.R. Martin's A Game of Thrones arrived; I will be starting it shortly :)

I forgot to mention that I finished this book a while ago, bought the sequel A Clash of Kings, am almost finished with that, and am ordering the third installment right now off of amazon.

God I love this fucking series!!

Also, I bought Dostoevsky's The Idiot; I think I will wait till I finish as many of Martin's books as I can before jumping into that though.
I agree somewhat that it was a bit too drawn out for its own good but it didn't kill it for me, because the I found the build-up particularly interesting (especially with the discussions surrounding Proust and Shakespeare) and ending of the book is pretty epic so it is quite rewarding. Also, you do realize that it was only meant to be the first book of a two book 'series' right? Olympos is the second book and picks up some months after the end of Ilium. I haven't read it all yet (barely started) but it doesn't seem to waste much time to connect the Earth story with what is going on Mars/Ancient Earth (which was what was really missing from Ilium).

No, I wasn't aware of that. If I have extra cash I'll pick it up, but I'll probably end up completing my King collection or getting the new Star Wars book