The Books/Reading Thread

Dude come on, anything by HP Lovecraft is :kickass:. The Colour Out of Space is so weird, I think its the only story that made wary of turning off the light and go to sleep after I finished it at like 2 in the morning.
Lovecraft is great, but he's really hard to read. So much detail.

My favorite book of his would be The Gods of Bal-Sagoth.
speaking of Lovecraft, what should I get by him? because of some of my favorite bands, my interest has been sparked.
I just picked up One Hundred Years of Solitude, which is supposed to rule (took me forever to find a copy with no Oprah label on the front... she has good taste, but I still am bothered when she gets a bigger piece of the cover than the NOBEL PRIZE). Anyway, anyone hear read it/have an opinion on it? Also, is Blindness by Saramango any good?
grinder, his stories are extremely similar most of the time (I still love him, just sayin') so if you pick up any of those classy Del Rey collections you'll be good to go

I particularly like Dreams of Terror and Death, but The Road to Madness is cool, too.
Yeah, the whole "dark, gloomy, alone in a medieval haunted castle" fixation tends to appear in many stories
not just metal bands take influence from him. anarcho-punk band Rudimentary Peni wrote a whole album based on his stories.
You can get Lovecraft's entire fiction FREE online if you do a search. His work is not copyrighted.

My personal favourite is "The strange case of Charles Dexter Ward".

Also, if you like Lovecraft you should check out the Chaosium/ Cthulhu Mythos books, some of them are really good. I've got a pile of them.
I wish my library had more lovecraft, Ive read all 3 volumes they have but a lot of the ones you guys just mentioned I havent read. I guess Ill do a search sometime.
One of the books I ordered from Amazon is going to take another week to get here (ordered a week ago no less) - stupid fucking seller, I ordered it with 2-5 day business shipping on a fucking Monday - it should be here already.