The Books/Reading Thread


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Oh man, Paul De Man... yeah, that's an intense marathon of deconstruction. I actually haven't read Of Grammatology before, but that's one of the central texts. I've gone through (more or less) Writing and Difference and Dissemination, the former of which is another major work of Derrida's. It includes his "Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences," which put him on the map in America. Dissemination is less read, but it has the famous Pharmakon essay, in which Derrida traces some key internal contradictions of language back etymologically to the original Greek.

Margins of Philosophy I picked up mainly because it includes "The Ends of Man," "White Mythology," and "Signature Event Context," all of which are pretty significant works.
I finished reading the debut thriller from Neal Griffin entitled Benefit of the Doubt.
Oh dear god. If it's anything like that awful test film he put out, I'm making it my life mission to acquire a copy, piss all over it, grind it into gunpowder, and then use that gunpowder to shoot Franco in his fucking face.

EDIT: apparently the deal already fell apart. They didn't have the rights to the book. Idiots.
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View attachment 4512 View attachment 4511 @CASSETTEISGOD I've got so many good books on the go but life is chaotic ATM and I find it pretty hard to focus on one thing. I've finally had some positive news about work and I can't wait to be in a state of mind that I can actually enjoy front to back.
I've had both of these for a while now but only just got around to having a brief look last week.
These look absolutely fantastic.