The CD Recommendation Thread

Ok, go buy Digimortal by Fear Factory, it ROCKS!

I know people have been saying it sucks, but they are wrong, people are absolute f**king idiots. I however am smart and have realised the genius of said album. Hurrah.

it took alot of listens before i could say it was as good as Obsolete but it does grow on you....

How bout Local H-Pack up the cats
just plain ol' rock music but i like it :p
Originally posted by Southy
it took alot of listens before i could say it was as good as Obsolete but it does grow on you....

I thought that about Obselete actually, I liked it, but didnt think it was great, but it got better the more I listened to it, but I loved Digimortal straight away :)
Ahoy me'hearties (spelling?).

My favourite metal albums are Death - Symbolic, and At The Gates - Slaughter of the Soul.

City by SYL is great too, as is Morning Star by entombed. Fecking brilliant actually!

Anything by Within Temptation or After Forever (great female vocals).

Midnight Oil - Diesel and Dust, and 10,9,8.7,6,5,4,3,2,1. Not exactly heavy, but great.

Ok, now I'm off on another romp with 48 bisexual Playboy models on an Indonesian fishing boat. I'll be the only bloke though....anyone else wanna join me? I doubt I'll be able to talk about metal with any of the ladies.
Hahahaha sounds like a fun cruise.

Ok I've decided if I was stranded on an island and was allowed to have 10 albums with me (not best ofs or live albums).... I would have:

Vinnie Vincent Invasion - Vinnie Vincent Invasion
Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast
Iron Maiden - Piece Of Mind
Judas Priest - Painkiller
Megadeth - Rust In Peace
Warrant - Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinkin' Rich
Motley Crue - Shout At The Devil
AC/DC - Back In Black
Alice Cooper - Trash

Originally posted by Koichi
I personally think Digimortal is a peice of utter shit, i'm glad they broke up before they they tarnised there reputation even more.

Surely you dont think its THAT bad though? :confused: Its a lot more melodic than their older stuff, thats for sure, but I didnt mind, its kinda Fear Factory doing the black album :D
Me not fan of black album. Me use black album as coaster. Guests offended by use of such piece of shit as coaster. Guests expected at least Kylie Minogue.