The CD Recommendation Thread

I thought I would resurrect this thread, as it rocks. :)

Has anyone heard the band "Grave Digger"?? What do you think?? I got their new album a few months back on a whim, but I couldn't really get into it, so I chucked it aside. I gave it another chance a few weeks back, and have been listening to it heaps since. A great album all round, with a very cool German heavy metal sound, with a hint of power metal. They also remind me of the band German heavy/power metal band 'Warrior', which I recommended in an earlier post. I particularly like the vocals, they sound awesome. I think its the accent that does it, hehe.

Anyways, tracks I recommend for d/l if anyone is interested are 'Spirits of the Dead', 'Scythe of Time', 'The Grave Digger', and 'Silence', which is a bit softer, but awesome. Much more good stuff on the album too!

I might get some of their earlier stuff when I get some money too...
Royal Hunt's good - I only have three albums, Moving Target, 1996 and Paradox - Paradox rules!! I haven't heard any of their stuff since DC Cooper was fired, though. DC Cooper's solo album is awesome, btw, one of my favourites ever!
Well, despite in my opinion DC Cooper was The Voice (TM) of Royal Hunt, John West or even Henrik Brockmann (the first Royal Hunt singer, you can check "Clown in the Mirror" and "Land Of Broken Hearts albums) aren't bad at all. I suggest you to complete your Royal Hunt collection, it worthwhile, indeed.

|ngenius. (Royal Hunt addicted)
But... DC Cooper! How could he ever have been replaced??

Haven't actually heard John West, but might give one of the new albums a go. I suppose it's the same deal as Angra, I have no real interest in them now that wossname, Andre Matos has been replaced. I need to stpo being so narrow minded, I guess :)
The same with Angra?!!?!? Well, if you don't have listened the magnificent "Rebirth" album, you don't know about the hard obstacle that Andre Matos has to overcome with his old band. Eduardo Falaschi is a worthy successor in Angra.

About John West, I prefer him in Royal Hunt, better than his work in Artension.
