The Creativity Thread

Any of you read french? (except Dark_Silence, I know you do ;) ) Because here is one of my french poem that won some praise from teachers and students at a night of poetry :

Sombre Ironie

Laissez-moi écrire toutes les ombres de ma vie
Non pas pour les soigner, les oublier, abandonnées
Mais bien pour les partager, les exposer, enflammées

Car mes yeux nyctalopes brûlent de noir
Ils brillent d’un feu fort ardent
Un feu de couleur d’ébène et de charbon

La nuit néant, le poison remède
Qui danse dans mon corps d’immondices
L’astre blanc, auquel je cède
Danse dans mon monde de tous les vices

Un jour on m’a dit milliers de mensonges
Et les cieux qui m’attendent au détour
des valeurs saturées de l’Humanité
Un jour on me les a dit et moi je songe
Et pourquoi renie-t-on l’Enfer, les démons?
Je veux souffrir la vie, l’éternité

Mais voilà que les autres me font un procès
On m’accuse de mille mots, de psychose
On me déteste de ma chair jusqu’à mon âme
Moi je ris de ma mort, de mon sort

Mes bourreaux qui me condamnent au panier d’osier
Me disent monstre, démon, mauvais sort
De leurs mains sales, me jettent aux abysses
De leurs mains sales, ouvrent leur Livre
Et relisent leurs vers et leurs psaumes
Qui prônent l’amour de l’autre, de la différence

Et moi je ris de leur ironie noire, de leur sort
Inconscients, ils vénèrent les mêmes que moi
King Chaos said:
Glory on a stick. I don't even talk the language, so it just sounded like "SEX! Sex! SEX!." So passionate.

That's good. Except for the fact that there's nothing related to sex in the poem... :p
I do know some french, but not enough to appreciate your poem fully. :( I'd ask for a translation but i know this can ruin the whole thing..
I got it all :D (except for "jettent")
I understand written french much more than spoken one, and no thanks to four years of french lessons in high school, just to the similarity between our languages. I'm surprised about "nyctalopes", though, I just very recently learned that word in spanish (nictálope)

as for the poem itself, to be honest I'm very picky when it comes to poetry and it's very hard for me to actually like and appreciate it in general
@siren : This sounds like a challenge to me though! I'll try it and if I think the english version's good, I'll post it!

@Hitori : "ils jettent" is roughy meaning "they throw away"
@Rampage: a rough word-by-word translation would be perfect for me actually, it might even help me remember my french. if you don't want to post that though you're welcome to pm me anytime. :)
Siren said:
@Rampage: a rough word-by-word translation would be perfect for me actually, it might even help me remember my french. if you don't want to post that though you're welcome to pm me anytime. :)
Therefore , I'll pm you that word-to-word translation and I'll try and translate it in a more poetic way.
RampageSword said:
Therefore , I'll pm you that word-to-word translation and I'll try and translate it in a more poetic way.
hey, thanks for the translation! :)
i do like your poem, it's good. :)
@Siren : It was a pleasure ;) Thanks for the compliment. BTW for those who haven't realized, the linked text in my sig leads to more of my works (mainly n english). If you want to get to the list of everything I posted on the net, just click here :

@Undo : Finally you gave me a good reason to get back into my spanish. Thanks and when I'll speak the language once more, I'll give you feedback on your writing.
King Chaos said:
Oh and btw, @ Marduk, I dig those poems. Actually an immense pulse to pages. It's that one actually see's decent poetry on forums, so although I'm not big on poetry myself, seeing these were a real treat and I don't want to sound like that's just because it's novelty. I actually did really like all three poems. Sorry I'm so late in saying. I guess I just didn't catch them before this thread sank. Do treat us with more some time won't you :)

I was skimming my old notebooks, and found some that you might like.

Room With A View

An ordinary
Room with a view
Offers consolation
And peace

The walls breathe
Their mouths smelly
With decades of

The trees outside
Shiver fearless
Steep slopes descend
To the old town

The factory mordors
Burn in the distance
But a puzzle-piece
Of the outlook

A lifetime spent
Looking for it
A depressed soul
Found its rest

The doors shut
The music playing
The night welcomes
The armchair lover

Content within
Relaxed yet focused
Solitude soaked

The perfect grain of sand
In the heart of a desert

The Bee-Hive

The swarm of bees
Animates the trees
Circulating force
Round the royal centre

Motionless, knowing
But still talking
A strange body-talk
Resounding in their bellies

There the wildhoney ripens
A perfect mixture of juices
Thrown up to nourish
Our greedy mouths

So near us we have it
The symbol of perfection
So similar we seem to be
Yet so far from home

We talk - all mouth
Removing our hairs
Waltzing through life
Trying to remember the steps

Nourishing the landfills
With our weekly vomit
Circulating force
French-kissing the ground

But still...
Resounding in our minds
Buzzing in our sexes
The order of life