Tigron of Immanion
Kalmah, 12 Gauge (actually WILL BE listening, not currently listening, as I just got it in from Amazon and it's ripping as I type).
An old Danish "singer/songwriter goes prog rock" album:
- for those who care to check it out - here's one of my favorites from the album:
Okay I love the album and it has the potential to be one of my favorites, but I wouldn't got that far. Nothing will ever touch the first two Keeper albums.
Nice! Would that be Kenneth Knudsen on keyboard?
Seventh Wonder... I can't stop the SW shuffle on the iPod...
Mercy Falls is... deep. I have to go back and forth between SW and Tyr to maintain balance in my universe. It was great to have those 2 at PP together... sort of like contrasting Sabaton and Orphaned Land.
How is their 2010 release compared to Mercy Falls?
Finally got around to testing this bad boy out. Love it. I do need to dig more into their discography though.