
Qu'est-ce que c'est?
I thought it was pretty good overall. A few parts that made me cringe but on the whole, a fairly interesting record. The clean vocals were definitely a nice touch. Belus is better though.
I thought it was pretty good overall. A few parts that made me cringe but on the whole, a fairly interesting record. The clean vocals were definitely a nice touch.

Yeah, I actually also liked the idea of the clean/whispering vocals. It works really well with the music.

Belus is better though.

I guess I didn't care enough to check that one out.
Continuing the weekend tradition and letting the girls pick 5 discs....

Haken - Aquarius
Demon - Hold on to your Dream
B.Ö.C - Fire of an Unknown Origin
Black Sabbath - Dehumanizer
The Bakerton Group - El Rojo
Redheads rule - period :D

Well said, I'm a redhead too :P :D

Feeling a bit prog rockey after that evergrey pre-order post showed this album under "customers also bought"

Bands played this weekend

Magic Pie
The Flower Kings
Charlie Parker
Bill Evans

Rhapsody Shuffle Mode of Brilliance currently enabled (currently at 5.9k out of my original 9k-12k pirated library mostly thanks to this service)
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